Fallopian tube cancer

The most common type of fallopian tube cancer is adenocarcinoma with vague symptoms, with more than 95 per cent being papillary serous adenocarcinomas.​1,2​ Sarcomas are rare.​3​ This type of cancer is spread is via the lymphatic system, similar to ovarian cancer.​4​

Signs and symptoms of fallopian tube cancer

  • A mass may appear in the abdomen where the fallopian tubes connect to the uterus
  • Pelvic discomfort, bloating and pain
  • Hydrops tubae profluens – pelvic pain combined with copious watery discharge and adnexal mass

A pregnancy test will be done to rule out an ectopic pregnancy (unless postmenopausal).

Treatment for fallopian tube cancer

Fallopian tube cancers are removed via a total hysterectomy, removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, or omentectomy. Radiation is rarely used.​5,6​


  1. 1.
    Berek JS, Renz M, Kehoe S, Kumar L, Friedlander M. Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: 2021 update. Intl J Gynecology & Obste. Published online October 2021:61-85. doi:10.1002/ijgo.13878
  2. 2.
    Hundal J, Lopetegui-Lia N, Rabitaille W. Fallopian tube cancer– challenging to diagnose but not as infrequent as originally thought. Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives. Published online May 4, 2021:393-396. doi:10.1080/20009666.2021.1893889
  3. 3.
    Agarwal R, Rajanbabu A, Nair IR. Undifferentiated Sarcoma of Fallopian Tube Managed with Robotic-Assisted Surgery. J Obstet Gynecol India. Published online March 6, 2018:63-66. doi:10.1007/s13224-018-1098-4
  4. 4.
    Akkaya E, Sanci M, Kulhan NG, et al. Prognostic factors of primary fallopian tube carcinoma. wo. Published online 2018:99-104. doi:10.5114/wo.2017.69590
  5. 5.
    Green A, Purdie D, Bain C, et al. Tubal sterilisation, hysterectomy and decreased risk of ovarian cancer. Int J Cancer. Published online June 11, 1997:948-951. doi:

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