Aunt Vadge: Does watching porn and masturbating make my Bartholin cyst worse?

Hello Mrs. Aunt Vadge,

I’ve given my details below, so please make sure to check and reply me soon. Thank you. 

  • Age and Location: 23 female, India
  • Marital status: single and virgin
  • My problem is: a Bartholin cyst
  • Start of my problem: 2 months ago a pea-like thing started to appear in vulva area
  • Condition of the problem: getting worse (i.e) feels like it’s enlarging 
  • Till now I’ve not done any experiments in solving it
  • Symptoms-
  • Pain: No pain, but uneasy while walking and sitting
  • Discharge: green whitish discharge before the cyst began to appear 
  • Bleeding: No bleeding 
  • Growths: Till now a small lemon size ball on the right side vulva wall (i.e) near vaginal opening 
  • Cuts or tears: Nothing
  • Changes: Gradual swelling of the cyst on the same place
  • Previous treatments: Nil 
  • Feelings you have about your condition: Feeling of anxiety, guiltiness, fear and worried about future sex life 
  • Question: I love watching porn and now I’m scared of this… does watching porn make this problem worse? And does masturbation or fingering have adverse effects on the Bartholin cysts? I read that these cysts make sexual intercourse painful… although I’m a virgin, going to get married soon. I really need to get rid of this. Please give me a solution 🙁

Yours sincerely,

Dear Frightened,

Thanks for writing. Bartholin cysts are caused when the small ducts that allow the fluid to drain from the glands get blocked. The fluid then builds up behind them, creating a small bulb filled with fluid. If this gets infected, it is then called a Bartholin’s abscess.

The cysts are not considered dangerous in and of themselves, but they can get quite uncomfortable, and you would want to get rid of them so your body can function properly. There are several ways this can happen, including a simple incision (cut) by a doctor, so the cyst can drain and heal, and also a range of compresses and baths that can be had with herbs and other agents.

Because you mention that one of your lumps is the size of a lemon, I am sending you to the doctor, and wouldn’t recommend trying to solve this with baths at home – sometimes we need to be examined and get a proper diagnosis before we start pulling out the home remedies!

Abscesses do need to be treated, because they are an infection that can make you quite sick.

In a nutshell, you need to go to the doctor and have your cysts looked at. Anything the size of a lemon in your vulvar area is not ok, and needs to be examined quickly.

To answer your specific question regarding watching porn and masturbating, causing more fluids to be produced by your glands could cause more fluid to build up, and the problem to become worse. Masturbation and fingering, aside from any pain or discomfort, doesn’t make it worse by itself.

You don’t need to have sex with the cysts – go and get them treated by a doctor, and you won’t have to worry about them anymore. When you have sex with the cysts, you will figure out if they cause you discomfort or not, but it’s best to get rid of them immediately so when you do have sex for the first few times, it is not impaired by a painful cyst.

There isn’t really anything we can give you at home, because it sounds like you really do need to have someone look at your vulva and see if it’s ok. You can’t just live with these cysts, especially not ones that big!

You will be just fine after that, and can have sex and masturbate and watch as much porn as you like. Promise.

Warmest regards,
Aunt Vadge

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