Understanding consent

If you are confused about consent, we explain and here's a fun video!

How to catch an STI (the complete guide)

This is the complete guide to catching an STD on purpose.

How to underwear if you have vulvovaginal issues

Ever wondered just how important your underwear is to your vaginal condition? We explain.

Sex with an ostomy

Good sex (with an ostomy in your belly) is totally doable! Get some hot tips for keeping it in the bag and under the covers.

AP resection and your vagina

An AP resection is surgery to remove part of your colon and vagina, which then requires reconstructive surgery to make your vagina and bowel (if possible) functional.

How to react when you think your daughter may be questioning her sexuality

A guide for parents on how to kindly and lovingly support a child going through the perfectly normal step of questioning their sexuality.

How to use InterFase or InterFase Plus orally for gut biofilms (Killing BV)

How to use InterFase or InterFase Plus to dissolve bacterial biofilms in the gut using oral treatments as part of the Killing BV protocols.

Removing vaginal pain or numbness from cycling

Cycling - long-distance or at the gym - can cause your vulva to become irritated, inflamed, numb, or painful.

The radical cystectomy

This procedure removes the bladder, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, the front wall of the vagina, and the urethra.


A hysterectomy is the removal of at least the uterus, but can include the removal of the cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, ligaments, lymph nodes, and the top section of the vagina. A hysterectomy is a big surgery.

Life after a pelvic exenteration (complete pelvic organ removal)

This procedure is the complete removal of all of your pelvic organs, usually due to extensive disease as a last resort.

Chemotherapy and your vagina, ovaries, uterus and cervix

Chemotherapy in your pelvis can have a few unexpected or uncomfortable impacts on your vagina, urinary tract, and hormones.

Nugent scores for determining BV

A short outline of the Nugent score and how it is determined.

Understanding cissexism – are you a cissexist?

What does it mean to be cissexist? We have made a basic list.

HPV vaccine – Gardasil and Cervarix – for men and women

The Gardasil vaccine is used in boys and girls up to age 26 to protect against various HPV strains.

Review: Luvena Restorative Moisturizer – how does it work?

This product may act in a tonic fashion by providing the vagina with ingredients to deter pathogens, encourage normal vaginal flora, and moisturise vaginal mucous membranes.

Using milk kefir vaginally (Killing BV)

How to apply the recolonisation procedure after your biofilm-busting treatment.

What is an orgasm?

Orgasm in women still hasn't been quite properly defined - some women say they are orgasming, but there is no outward sign.

Things that can go wrong during sex

Find out what can go wrong and how to circumvent it before it happens to you.

Learning how to be touched by someone else

Learning how to figure out what you like can be hard, so you just have to practice!