Understanding diabetes and an itchy, yeasty vagina

Women with diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation get more yeast infections due to high glucose levels in the vagina feeding the yeasts.

Can I use human breast milk instead of animal milk for milk kefir ferments?

Human breast milk is actually a great option for making dairy-free ferments with your kefir or even healthy vaginal secretions.

Am I allergic to milk kefir?

A woman is concerned she is allergic to milk kefir - what should she do?

Lauren tells us her BV story – read it!

A woman's BV symptoms disappear with an elimination diet and other treatments under the guidance of her naturopath. See what she's doing.

Review: Klaire Labs Ther-biotic Complete

This probiotic contains a couple of species native to healthy vaginal tracts, however it is more geared toward the gut. We examine.

Gyno-Daktarin (miconazole) – vaginal anti-fungal

Gyno-Daktarin as a treatment for vaginal thrush/yeast infections.

Aunt Vadge: yeast infection won’t go away

A yeast infection won't go away even after OTC vaginal treatments. What can she do?

Lady’s Mantle for vaginal itching and discharge

Lady's Mantle is used to temporarily combat vaginal itch and discharge.

Candida albicans

Candida albicans is one cause of a yeast infection.

What have I got – yeast or BV – symptom checker

This quiz will tell you if you have BV or a yeast infection. If you don't know what to look for, it can be confusing.