Aunt Vadge: BV, yeast, UTIs – nothing is working! Help!

Three weird but sort of cute little monsters are looking disorientated and frankly uncomfortable. These are the Trio of Doom, BV, UTIs and Yeast infections.

Dear Aunt Vadge,

I’m having BV and yeast for about a year and this month went to the doctor and he said I have BV, yeast and UTI. I don’t have any UTI symptoms, but I do have vaginal symptoms.

I have been trying with multiple antibiotics, alternative medicine, my diet, I have no idea what else can I do!!

Discharge goes from thick to watery, and varies a lot, and I have vaginal itching, burning, redness and discharge. I got a microbiome test and it came back with lots of gardnerella and BV bacteria.

I’m really bloated, I evacuate like 3 to 5 times daily, but I’m gluten free, mostly plant based and don’t eat dairy. I have one kid with autism so it’s hard every day. I have irregular cycles (light, long, watery blood, 35 days long) and PMS.

My boyfriend try to be a good boyfriend, he tries not to push me because of my sickness.

What should I do?

Age 34, USA


Hi Desperate,

You’ve been having a difficult time with recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast infections, and a urinary tract infection (UTI), which must be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re already managing a busy life and caring for your child.

Your approach so far has been very proactive, with a mix of conventional and alternative treatments, changes to your diet, and supplements. However, given your symptoms haven’t resolved after a year, it sounds like it’s time to take a different tactic.

Firstly, it’s clear you’ve been very thorough in attempting to resolve these issues, but sometimes BV, yeast infections, and UTIs can be stubborn and recurrent due to an imbalance in your vaginal microbiome or other underlying health issues.

Considering your symptoms, the fact that you have light, long, and irregular menstrual cycles, and are experiencing stress, there might be a hormonal component to your chronic infections.

For someone of reproductive age with irregular cycles, it could be indicative of an underlying hormonal imbalance, which might also affect your vaginal environment.

You could benefit from the following:

​Seek the advice of a ​My Vagina vulvovaginal specialist naturopath​

They can help you explore other potential causes or contributing factors to your recurring infections that may not have been addressed yet. Book ​here. 

​Hormonal assessment

Discuss with a healthcare provider the possibility of hormonal testing to check for any imbalances that could contribute to your symptoms.​ Your cycles are a little longer than may be optimal, though at 35 days total, they are still within normal ranges. 

​Additional vaginal microbiome support

Supplements like shatavari can be beneficial for oestrogen support if an oestrogen deficiency is suspected. You can find shatavari her​e​. Also, ​t​he Lactulose and Probiotic Kit could help ​i​mprove the numbers of lactobacillus species in your vaginal microbiome. 

​Continued support for your liver and gut health

Since these organs are crucial for hormone metabolism and immune function, ensuring they’re working optimally is essential.​

Ensure you are eating plenty of high fibre cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, etc), as these help to improve your liver function while also ensuring healthy fibre for improving bowel movements.

Improving your digestion should be a priority, as gut inflammation (3-5 bowel movements per day is a lot) and your gut microbiome may be contributing to your vaginal symptoms.

Talk to a My Vagina practitioner about this, Simone Jeffries is a great choice for you, as she’s a gut, vagina and urinary tract expert. 

​Revisit dietary considerations

While you’re mostly following a flexitarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free diet, there may be other sensitivities or inflammatory foods contributing to your symptoms that could be worth exploring with an elimination diet or further guidance.​

Look into a temporary low-FODMAP diet or doing an elimination diet to see what is causing the issue. 

​Psychological support

Dealing with chronic health issues and a child with autism can be extremely taxing emotionally. If you haven’t already, consider counselling or support groups to help manage stress.​

I know it feels like you’ve done everything, but there are plenty of options to explore, and I recommend getting professional help for your journey – it can be much more cost effective over the long term, and certainly helps to not feel so alone and hopeless. 

Take care, Desperate! And remember, you’re not alone!
Aunt Vadge


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