How to use Hiprex (methenamine) to treat or prevent a UTI

Discover how Methenamine (Hiprex) effectively prevents and treats UTIs without bacteria developing resistance.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian/ovary syndrome (PCOS) links with hormonal imbalances relating to insulin, androgens and function of the ovaries.

Vulvar or vestibular papillomatosis

Small fingerlike projections grow out from the vulva (labia minora or vestibule), which can be (but are not always) related to HPV infection.

Coping with the shame associated with BV

Shame associated with BV and other vaginal disorders can be debilitating.

The Depo Provera and BV – help or hindrance?

We discuss the impact of the Depo Provera contraceptive injection on BV.

Understanding diabetes and an itchy, yeasty vagina

Women with diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation get more yeast infections due to high glucose levels in the vagina feeding the yeasts.

Vulvar and vaginal tinea (tinea genitalis, ringworm)

Vulvar and vaginal tinea is a skin fungal infection that may present with dry, itchy, sore skin around the genital/crotch area.

Fordyce bumps or spots – tiny white bumps on genitals

Fordyce bumps are the tiny white spots that appear when the skin of the labia, scrotum, penis and nipples is stretched.

Using vitamin C instead of boric acid due to breastfeeding

Yes, you can switch up boric acid for vitamin C, however boric acid has more going for it than just its acidic properties.

Can I use human breast milk instead of animal milk for milk kefir ferments?

Human breast milk is actually a great option for making dairy-free ferments with your kefir or even healthy vaginal secretions.

How important is the no-sex rule?

We discuss the reasoning behind the no-sex rule during treatments and offer you a couple of management strategies if you just can't help yourself.

Am I allergic to milk kefir?

A woman is concerned she is allergic to milk kefir - what should she do?

Review: Klaire Labs Ther-biotic Women’s Formula – what’s in it?

We take a look at the ingredients in this women's probiotic formula.

Tools to clear up a smelly vagina

A non-infected smelly vagina can be solved with some simple treatments at home to rebalance your bacterial colonies.

Sexual arousal disorders

We run through briefly what sexual arousal disorder is and how it manifests.


Chancroid is an uncommon STI caused by a bacteria that causes painful genital sores, most commonly found in undeveloped countries. Testing is not standardised, but antibiotics cure it.

Urge urinary incontinence

Urge urinary incontinence is a condition where the urge to urinate is strong and sudden, because it is caused by a bladder muscle spams. Urge urinary incontinence is usually caused by a an underlying condition, but it can be triggered by a fright.

Pelvic floor exercises overview

Some ways to find and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, particularly after any pelvic organ issue (bladder, vagina, bowel).

Bladder retraining

Retraining your bladder sometimes needs doing when there are interruptions to the normal behaviour of your bladder. This might be due to weakness, infections, or damage to the area.

Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (DSD)

DSD occurs when there is damage to the spinal cord or brain interrupting the signals between the brain and the bladder, so the two don't work together anymore.