How to get a comprehensive vaginal, urinary and semen microbiome test
Get accurate testing based on your needs via thorough vaginal and urinary microbiome testing.
Why dipsticks and cultures are useless for identifying urinary tract infections
The typical way a doctor will test for a UTI may be on the way out, as research shows that dipsticks and usual cultures are falling short on diagnosing UTI.
COMPANY CLOSED Review: Ubiome SmartJane PCR tests – how useful?
Here is a quick overview of the Ubiome SmartJane PCR tests for understanding your vaginal microbiome a little better, and managing your risk profile for certain reproductive disorders.
Understanding vaginal pH
We explain vaginal pH and how it relates to your vaginal smells. If you have a funny smell coming out of your vagina and need to test your vaginal pH, we explain how.
What is a vaginal wet mount?
A vaginal wet mount or wet prep is an in-office test where a doctor will examine vaginal fluids under their microscope to get an idea of what is living in your vagina, microbe-wise. This might include bacteria, yeasts, or parasites.
What is a clue cell in bacterial vaginosis diagnostics?
A clue cell is an epithelial (skin) cell from the vaginal walls that has been shed, but is coated in bacteria. We take a quick look at the clue cell, which is a key part of bacterial vaginosis diagnosis.
Pregnancy tests – how to get accurate results
Understanding the ins and outs of home pregnancy tests.
Understanding vaginal PCR testing
An explanation of PCR testing for the vaginal microbiome with a list of what is tested for, and what is excluded.
Diagnostic procedures for the vulva, vagina and reproductive organs
There are a series of tests that may be conducted to determine the health of your reproductive organs and vagina. Find out what your test actually means and why it's being done.