Common cancer treatments and how they affect sexuality and fertility
See what your treatment might have in store for you vaginally.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder are both variations on the same theme: premenstrual symptoms that range from mildly annoying to deeply disturbing.
Study: How early life circumstances affect menarche and menopause
We examine a review of how childhood experiences impact menarche and menopause.
Reasons you don’t have your period yet
If your period has never come, and you are older than 15, then you need to have some investigations done into why not.
Cervical stenosis
Cervical stenosis is the narrowing - for whatever reason - of the cervix, the neck of tissue that joins the vagina and uterus. A narrow cervix can create a few issues with in-and-out flow between the uterus and the vagina, including sperm, periods and babies.
Swyer syndrome (XY gonadal dysgenesis, XY female)
Swyer syndrome means you are a chromosomal male (46, XY), but - aside from ovaries - the rest of you is 100% woman. This means you look and feel just like a woman, but your chromosomes say you are a man.
MRKH syndrome
MRKH syndrome is a congenital abnormality, whereby the uterus, top part of the vagina, and cervix do not exist or are very small. Ovaries are usually normal, since the ovaries run off a different system.
5-alpha-reductase deficiency (5 ARD)
5 ARD is a genetic blip that blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in a growing foetus. DHT is required for the penis and testicles to develop in a male foetus, resulting in ambiguous genitalia. People with 5 ARD may be brought up as girls or boys.
Variations in genitalia
Variations in genitalia can be seen on a new baby that don't match either a typical boy or girl, requiring further investigations.
Using vitamin C instead of boric acid due to breastfeeding
Yes, you can switch up boric acid for vitamin C, however boric acid has more going for it than just its acidic properties.
I’m pregnant – can I use the Killing BV treatments?
There are some Killing BV treatments that are NOT safe for use during pregnancy or nursing. Check out the special sections in the support section.
Gartner’s duct cysts
Gartner's duct cysts are caused by a duct that should no longer exist after we are born, that causes a cyst to develop inside the vagina.
Ureteroceles are a birth defect affecting the ureters, resulting in problems with urine flow. The connection point of the bladder and lower ureters becomes swollen, and urine flow is blocked, causing the ureters to expand like a water balloon.
Aunt Vadge: tampon starts to fall out after 15 mins
A 15-year-old is having trouble with tampons falling out. See how she can fix it.
Why tampons don’t fall out
Why can't a tampon just fall right out? We explain.
Aunt Vadge: Can sperm swim from my labia inside?
Pre-cum, underwear and pregnancy: help!
Periods: hygiene and etiquette
How to avoid grossing out the people you care about with your period.
Understanding oestriol (E3)
Oestriol is a weak oestrogen, useful for topical application in instances where there is low oestrogen (like menopause).
Should I get an abortion?
Ideas for helping you decide if you want to have an abortion or not.
Abortion (pregnancy termination)
Learn what an abortion is, the different types of pregnancy terminations available, and what the abortion procedure is like.