What happens to your vagina when you give birth

Here we outline all the things that may affect your vagina and vulva when you give birth vaginally, from contractions to the effect on vaginal tissue.

Perineal tears

Perineal tearing is usually from childbirth, where the impact of the baby coming out of the birth canal tears the posterior fourchette and perineum. These types of tears are on the rise, but it's unclear why.

Allen-Masters syndrome

Allen-Masters syndrome is characterised by pelvic pain caused by trauma.


How is endometritis different to PID? We discuss what endometritis is and how it's treated, with the two varieties - pregnancy and non-pregnancy-related endometritis. Each is separated out due to its causes.

Help prevent an episiotomy (cut) during birth

There are no guarantees when it comes to preventing tears and an episiotomy during childbirth, but you can certainly up your chances of staying intact.

Vaginal prolapse, pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal/pelvic relaxation syndromes

The prolapse of pelvic organs into the vagina can occur for several reasons, with treatment available.

Your vagina post-birth

Nobody wants to talk about it. Here's the nitty gritty on all the terrible things you can expect vagina-wise after you give birth.