Losing weight with PCOS

Weight loss with PCOS can be a nightmare, but there are some solid, science-backed strategies that work.


Hirsutism is excess hair growth in a male pattern, in women, often caused by an underlying hormonal condition.

Androgen excess in women

Too many androgens or being too sensitive to androgens can cause a whole host of unwanted issues in the biologically female body.

How androgens work in the female body

We take a closer look at how androgens impact the female body, and what you can expect when there are too many or two few androgens present.

Understanding adrenal PCOS

Sometime the excess androgens involved in PCOS are produced by the adrenal glands, not the ovaries, which makes PCOS caused by the adrenals a bit different to regular PCOS. Find out how to deal with adrenal-androgen excess.

The real cause of acne (plus the solution)

We explain what is really behind acne and how to fix it.

What are polycystic ovaries?

Polycystic ovaries are ovaries with many cyst-like structures on them, though whether they are true cysts or not will depend on investigations.

Study: myo-inositol with folic acid for PCOS

A short review of two different research studies showing the benefits of myo-inositol with folic acid for PCOS.

Acne and PCOS

Acne and PCOS are deeply linked, since PCOS is mainly a blood sugar dysregulation issue, not a hormonal issue. We explain.