Study: 5-day BV antibiotic treatment flop

Swidsinski strikes again in another study to help eradicate BV from the lives of women forever. What a dude.

Study: Lactobacillus attacks G. vaginalis biofilm

Lactobacillus has been shown to degrade the G. vaginalis biofilm better than any other substance.

Study: Cryopreserved donor sperm contains G. vaginalis (BV) seeds

A study has shown that some cryopreserved sperm is infected with G. vaginalis.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is a virus that can - but doesn't always - cause changes to the cells on the cervix, which can lead to cervical cancer. Screening is in place, with improvements to testing the blood of males and females with HPV in the future for detection and prevention of HPV-related

Genital herpes – herpes simplex virus (HSV1 and HSV2)

Genital herpes is for life, but it isn't a life sentence. Find out how to manage genital herpes and get on with your life by supporting your immune system, managing your stress levels, and using supplements and meds to your advantage.

Gonorrhoea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)

Gonorrhoea is a common STD that can cause vaginal symptoms like bad smells, unusual discharge, and irritation. You can also get gonorrhoea in your throat or anus.


Understanding HIV can be tricky - it's a virus that uses some very clever tactics to get around our immune system - however, now we can manage immunity to keep HIV at bay for a mostly normal life.


Learn about chlamydia, what it does to your body and how to treat it effectively. Chlamydia is an STD that is like catching a cold - it's that easy to catch, but a little harder to get rid of.

Causes of vaginitis or vaginosis

Think you have something? Check this list and see if you could actually be experiencing a different kind of problem.

BV in pregnancy

BV in pregnancy is bad news for your baby. Find out what to do.

Being diagnosed with BV

If you want to get tested and don't know what to expect, read this and find out what they do to you.

Vaginosis or vaginitis?

Find out the distinct difference between vaginitis and vaginosis.

Trichomonas vaginalis (trich, trichomoniasis)

Trichomonas can cause similar symptoms to bacterial vaginosis (fishy odour, discharge), however trich is a sexually transmitted infection that requires prompt treatment.

Gardnerella vaginalis in BV

Gardnerella vaginalis and its effects on you and your vagina.

What have I got – yeast or BV – symptom checker

This quiz will tell you if you have BV or a yeast infection. If you don't know what to look for, it can be confusing.

Why antibiotics don’t always work on BV

The usual treatment for BV is antibiotics, but they may not remove the bacterial biofilms.

Bacterial vaginosis – why does my vagina smell like fish?

Find out how to clean up the mess left by Gardnerella vaginalis, and resolve your BV once and for all.

Study: BV can be sexually transmitted

BV has been found in male semen and urine samples. It is sexually transmissable between women and men.

The bacterial biofilm in BV

The Gardnerella vaginalis bacterial biofilm is what keeps your BV sticking around. Learn how to dissolve it.

Black women and BV

Black women get BV more than other women because they have less naturally-occurring lactobacilli than other ethnic groups.