Genital warts caused by HPV
Genital warts are almost always caused by a variant of the HPV virus, however it isn't necessarily the same strain that causes cervical cancer. What strain you end up will determine if you could get genital warts or not. Genital warts are easily treated.
Condyloma lata (syphilis-related genital warts)
Condyloma lata refers to the warts that appear in the secondary form of syphilis.
The perineoplasty procedure is used to either tighten, loosen or cosmetically augment the perineal area between the anus and the vaginal opening.
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is a virus that can - but doesn't always - cause changes to the cells on the cervix, which can lead to cervical cancer. Screening is in place, with improvements to testing the blood of males and females with HPV in the future for detection and prevention of HPV-related