Study: The impact of the Mirena IUD on vaginal bacteria – good, bad or indifferent?

This study found that numbers of L. crispatus before and after the IUD was inserted were more or less the same.

Study: the relationship between endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium) and BV

Women with BV more often have an inflamed endometrial lining than those without BV.

Study: vitamin C for abnormal vaginal microflora

A study looks into vitamin C for a treatment for changing the pH of the vagina and restoring healthy microflora in women (including pregnant women).

Study: L. crispatus competitively excludes G. vaginalis

L. crispatus competitively excludes G. vaginalis and can have a protective effect on the vagina.

Study: the link between BV and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and colitis)

There is a positive association between IBD and BV bacteria, with worse outcomes for those on steroids treatment.

Study: Using boric acid and G. vaginalis

We examine some scientific research into boric acid, and how it could tip your treatment over the edge.

Study: the impact of pH alone on BV biofilms

A study looks into the impact of just pH on BV - with interesting results.

Study: effect on BV biofilms by antibiotics and SCAA

A research project looks into antibiotics and other substances to see what works on biofilms and what doesn't.

Study: Subtypes of G. vaginalis

A study into the different subtypes of G. vaginalis present in BV, and which are most closely associated with BV.

Study: post-BV-treatment sex life and contraceptives use matters

Worse outcomes were found in women who had the same sex partner before and after BV treatment, but better outcomes in those on oestrogen-based birth control.

Study into the metabolic ‘signature’ of vaginas with BV

A study looks into the difference between BV vaginas and healthy vaginas in terms of metabolites.


BV trial now taking participants in San Francisco.

Study: BV, HIV and herpes – is all what it seems?

The link between HIV, BV and HSV-2 may not be as it seems.

Study: DNase disrupts biofilm of G. vaginalis

DNase disrupts biofilms created by G. vaginalis, but it is not available for us just yet.

Study: the impact of three essential oils on fermented milk products

Ever wondered if you should add essential oils into your fermented milk drinks? Here food science tells us what happens to the bacteria when you add antibacterial essential oils.

Study: Coconut oil as a biofilm-busting agent in the mouth

We look at the study results of biofilm formation in the mouth and how coconut can interrupt it.

Study: Retrocyclin as a G. vaginalis biofilm inhibitor

Retrocyclin can interrupt new biofilm formation and G. vaginalis-mediated cell death, but it cannot interrupt established biofilms or kill bacteria.

Study: Coriander and thyme essential oils for vaginal infections

A study takes a closer look at whether coriander and thyme essential oils work on biofilms.

Study: How cinnamon oil interferes with biofilm formation

Cinnamon oil has antimicrobial properties that interfere with biofilm formation of certain gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Study: Essential oils that attack biofilms in vitro

A study examines several essential oils for their potency against biofilms.