I can’t find a nylon strainer for my kefir. What do I do?

Alternatives for nylon strainers to strain milk kefir grains.

What’s the difference between milk kefir and regular yoghurt?

Yoghurt is different to milk kefir in two key ways: bacteria number and species variety.

Can I buy milk kefir from a shop?

Milk kefir from the shop or milk kefir made at home? We discuss.

How to make yoghurt with your vaginal bacteria

Genius makes yoghurt out of her vaginal secretions.

Dairy-free milk kefir ferments

You can also make milk kefir with soy, coconut and almond milk, but you must give it some time in cow's milk every few weeks.

What are milk kefir grains?

A rundown of what milk kefir grains are and how we use them to help support a healthy vaginal microbiome.

How to take care of your milk kefir

Learn how to take care of your milk kefir grains and get the most out of them every day. Clear instructions and FAQs.

How to make sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a method of filling your gut up with good germs, then make their way to your vag, keeping it healthy.