Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections

Acinetobacter lwoffii is found in about 25 per cent of healthy people in the nose and throat and skin, however has been implicated in pathogenic infections.

Acinetobacter lwoffii can survive a variety of temperatures and an acidic pH (such as in the urinary tract), and is an emerging opportunistic human pathogen. This means it could show up anywhere.

Condition typeBacteria
Affected systemsReproductive
Sexually Transmissible
Genitourinary Incidencerare
Age group affected

Microbial information

Anaerobe / AerobeAerobe
Gram stainGram-negative
Best tests to detect
Pathogen of
  • Urinary tract
Commensal of
(Can naturally inhabit, but not necessarily as a healthy addition)
  • Skin
  • Vagina
Optimal growth pH
Conditions correlated with
  • General human infection
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Cellular adherence capacities
Found in healthy vaginasPossibly
Biofilm-forming capacities
Cellular Morphology
  • Bacillus (rod-shaped)
Microbe Motility
Colony Colour
Substances Produced
Sexually TransmissiblePossibly

What are the symptoms of Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

What causes Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

  • No causes found for Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections, yet.

What are the risk factors associated with Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

How do you diagnose Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

  • No diagnoses found for Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections, yet.

How do you treat Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

Treatments for Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections are only for practitioners and people who purchased the book Killing BV and Killing BV for men.

Which treatments are likely to be ineffective for Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

What complications are associated with Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections?

  • No complications found for Acinetobacter lwoffii urinary tract and vulvovaginal infections, yet.


Babapour, E. et al., 2016. Biofilm formation in clinical isolates of nosocomial Acinetobacter baumannii and its relationship with multidrug resistance. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 6(6), pp.528–533, Rosa, John Mills, L. Silvia Munoz-Price. 2015. Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Acinetobacter lwoffii Bacteremia Compared With Acinetobacter Baumannii Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, 1 December 2015, 1780

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