Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections

Prevotella amnii has been isolated from the endometrial lining of the uterus, and in women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and bacterial vaginosis.

Prevotella amnii is very closely related to Prevotella bivia, also found in reproductive tract infections in women. The difference between the two is mainly P. amnii production of or inability to produce certain enzymes that break down sugars or proteins.

Condition typeBacteria
Affected systemsReproductive
Sexually Transmissible
Genitourinary Incidencerare
Age group affected
  • Puberty to adolescence
  • Adolescence to menopause
  • Menopause+

Microbial information

Anaerobe / AerobeAnaerobe
Gram stainGram-negative
Best tests to detect
Pathogen of
  • Vagina
Commensal of
(Can naturally inhabit, but not necessarily as a healthy addition)
Optimal growth pH
Conditions correlated with
  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
  • Vaginal Dysbiosis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Cellular adherence capacitieslow
Found in healthy vaginasyes
Biofilm-forming capacities
  • None
  • Low
  • Shares biofilms
Cellular Morphology
  • Bacillus (rod-shaped)
Microbe Motilitynon-motile
Colony Colour
Substances Produced
  • Acetic Acid (vinegar)
Sexually Transmissible

What are the symptoms of Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

What causes Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

  • No causes found for Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections, yet.

What are the risk factors associated with Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

  • No risk factors for Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections, yet.

How do you diagnose Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

  • No diagnoses found for Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections, yet.

How do you treat Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

Treatments for Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections are only for practitioners and people who purchased the book Killing BV and Killing BV for men.

Which treatments are likely to be ineffective for Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

What complications are associated with Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections?

  • No complications found for Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections, yet.


Gottschick, C. et al., 2017. Treatment of biofilms in bacterial vaginosis by an amphoteric tenside pessary-clinical study and microbiota analysis. Microbiome, 5(1), p.119,, P.A., Moore, E. & Falsen, E., 2008. Prevotella amnii sp. nov., isolated from human amniotic fluid. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 58(1), pp.89–92. Petrina, M.A.B. et al., 2017, of bacterial vaginosis (BV)-associated bacteria to secnidazole compared to metronidazole, tinidazole and clindamycin. Anaerobe, 47(6), pp.115–119,, S. et al., 2012. Bacterial communities in women with bacterial vaginosis: High resolution phylogenetic analyses reveal relationships of microbiota to clinical criteria. PLoS ONE, 7(6), amnii - microbewiki, [Accessed July 24, 2018]

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