Veillonella atypica vulvovaginal infections

Present in gut and mouth of mammals, highly associated with marathon running, improves treadmill run time in mice – increases athletic performance, being studied for biosynthesis. Difficult to analyse. Many strains may be vancomycin-resistant​1​.

  • Phylum Firmicutes
  • Family Veillonellaceae
  • Genus Veillonella
  • May be called Veillonella parvula subsp. atypica
  • Mesophilic (likes moderate temperatures i.e. body temperature)
    Source BacDive

See Veillonella spp.


  1. 1.
    Han M, Liu G, Chen Y, Wang D, Zhang Y. Comparative Genomics Uncovers the Genetic Diversity and Characters of Veillonella atypica and Provides Insights Into Its Potential Applications. Front Microbiol. Published online June 23, 2020. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.01219
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