Hey Aunt Vadge!
Recently I got fingered, for the first time ever. It was nice, but the day after I was a bit sore. Then two days after I was fingered, I started bleeding from my area.
I’ve already had my period for this month and now I got it again. It’s more blood than I usually bleed, I’m filling up a super tampon in two hours! Please, any knowledge as to what’s going on?
Age 19, USA
Dear Bleeding,
That sounds like a lot of blood. If the bleeding isn’t showing any signs of stopping and you are really sure it’s not your period, find your way to a clinic to be examined.
It may not have anything to do with the fingering since two days later, with no bleeding at all within that time or at the time, it is unlikely to be a direct connection. It could just seem like that because of the close timing.
Please see a doctor or nurse.
Warmest regards,
Aunt Vadge
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