Aunt Vadge: my partner just wants to finger me and try to make me squirt, but I hate it

A 61-year-old's partner only wants to fingerbang her until she squirts, just like in the movies. She's never heard of it. Their relationship broke down as a result and she wants to talk about it. We discuss.

Aunt Vadge: Ongoing yeast problems, chlamydia, rashes

A 26-year-old has ongoing yeast and bacterial issues and wants help to solve it.

Aunt Vadge: little white bumps on my labia

A 15-year-old has tiny white bumps on her labia, and ongoing discharge. What's happening to her?

Fordyce bumps or spots – tiny white bumps on genitals

Fordyce bumps are the tiny white spots that appear when the skin of the labia, scrotum, penis and nipples is stretched.

Aunt Vadge: unexpected bleeding after fingering – is it my hymen?

A 15-year-old and her boyfriend discovered bleeding after fingering. Was it her hymen, or something else?

Aunt Vadge: I have to ride a bike tomorrow, but I’ve cut my labia

She has to ride her bike tomorrow but she's scratched the edge of her vagina. What can she do to help it?

Aunt Vadge: can I use ‘womb pearls’ to treat BV?

She wants to know if womb pearls are worth using to help cure BV.

Aunt Vadge: had sex, now pain and blood when I pee… what’s going on?

There was some blood at the end of urinating, but now it's just pain on urinating that has lasted for two weeks.

Aunt Vadge: have I discovered a double vagina?

She sounds like she has a longitudinal vaginal septum, but what does that mean for her? We discuss what she may have found in her vagina.

Using vitamin C instead of boric acid due to breastfeeding

Yes, you can switch up boric acid for vitamin C, however boric acid has more going for it than just its acidic properties.

Can I use human breast milk instead of animal milk for milk kefir ferments?

Human breast milk is actually a great option for making dairy-free ferments with your kefir or even healthy vaginal secretions.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Am I allergic to milk kefir?

A woman is concerned she is allergic to milk kefir - what should she do?

Aunt Vadge: small lump inside the lip of my vagina

A 13-year-old has what she thinks is a Bartholin's duct cyst - how can she get rid of it herself?

Aunt Vadge: it stings when I pee – can I still have sex?

A 16-year-old seems to have a small UTI - we guide her through getting rid of it.

Review: Klaire Labs Ther-biotic Women’s Formula – what’s in it?

We take a look at the ingredients in this women's probiotic formula.

Aunt Vadge: persistent BV despite numerous treatments

A woman is on blood pressure meds and has ongoing BV and vaginal irritation, soreness and itching. Is it her medication?

Aunt Vadge: is his dry, sore penis evidence of him cheating on me?

A man has a sore, dry penis after having sex with his partner, who suffers from a dry vagina. She thinks he's been cheating on her - is it possible?

Aunt Vadge: How can I get my wife to want sex again?

A 38-year-old man is trying to figure out how he can get his wife interested in sex again.

Aunt Vadge: fingering scratch

She bled a bit after a rough fingering. What was it?