Tools to clear up a smelly vagina

A non-infected smelly vagina can be solved with some simple treatments at home to rebalance your bacterial colonies.

Aunt Vadge: smelly discharge, no infection – what’s wrong with me?

She has a smelly vagina, but all tests come back clear. Here we offer some bacterial rebalancing solutions for non-infected 'off' vaginas.

Sexual arousal disorders

We run through briefly what sexual arousal disorder is and how it manifests.


Chancroid is an uncommon STI caused by a bacteria that causes painful genital sores, most commonly found in undeveloped countries. Testing is not standardised, but antibiotics cure it.

Urge urinary incontinence

Urge urinary incontinence is a condition where the urge to urinate is strong and sudden, because it is caused by a bladder muscle spams. Urge urinary incontinence is usually caused by a an underlying condition, but it can be triggered by a fright.

Pelvic floor exercises overview

Some ways to find and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, particularly after any pelvic organ issue (bladder, vagina, bowel).

Bladder retraining

Retraining your bladder sometimes needs doing when there are interruptions to the normal behaviour of your bladder. This might be due to weakness, infections, or damage to the area.

Aunt Vadge: urethral problems, bladder problems, no diagnosis for lump

A 22-year-old has an unexplained growth just under her urethra, after being diagnosed with a neurological condition of the bladder. What's going on?

Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (DSD)

DSD occurs when there is damage to the spinal cord or brain interrupting the signals between the brain and the bladder, so the two don't work together anymore.

Aunt Vadge: cuts and tears continue, despite all bases being covered

A 23-year-old from England is having issues with recurrent sex cuts and tears, and isn't sure why or what to do about.

Aunt Vadge: am I just too tight to have sex?

Were the tears caused by her Bartholin's cyst, or is she too tight? We discuss.

Aunt Vadge: after fingering I need to pee heaps

An 18-year-old has symptoms of a urinary tract infection but she's not sure what it is or what to do about it.

Aunt Vadge: dangling hymenal remnants – WTF!

They were doin' it hard, and it was good, but now she has a piece of her hyman sticking out of her vagina... What can be done?

Aunt Vadge: how do I remove dark spots on my labia?

Her labia have dark spots on them and she wants them gone.

Aunt Vadge: fingering used to feel good, but now it hurts and burns

She wants to know why her boyfriend's wandering fingers used to feel great but now burns.

The neurogenic bladder

A neurogenic bladder means malfunctioning or 'broken down' nerves that cause the bladder to function improperly in the storing and expulsion of urine from the body.

Aunt Vadge: spotting and bleeding and weird periods after miscarriage

She had a miscarriage and her bleeding has been all over the place since. What's going on?

Aunt Vadge: fordyce bumps – how do I tell sexual partners what they are?

A 21-year-old has bigger tiny labia bumps than her lovers. How does she explain this to them without it feeling weird?

Aunt Vadge: Does watching porn and masturbating make my Bartholin cyst worse?

A 23-year-old has untreated Bartholin cysts, and is wondering if masturbating or fingering is causing this problem, or making it worse.

Aunt Vadge: a vaginal infection that won’t go away

A 19-year-old has an unidentified infection that won't go away after trying lots of remedies and treatments.