Aunt Vadge: itching, bleeding, and a bad smell after attempted sex and fingering

Hi Aunt Vadge,

My boyfriend and I didn’t have sex. Well we tried to, so he used a condom and tried to insert but he couldn’t (I’m a virgin + the pain). The thing is since that day, I’ve been itching down there and there’s this foul odor and discharge. My boyfriend also fingered me and I bled – is that a good thing?I’m 21 by the way. 


Dear Confused,

Itching with a foul odour sounds like you have a bacterial imbalance or infection, so I would suggest you go to your doctor to be tested. If you used a condom, it is unlikely to be a sexually transmitted infection, but if your boyfriend’s penis touched your vaginal lips, it could be. You need to get tested to know for sure. The sooner you do this, the better.

Bleeding after fingering is never a good thing. Sex is supposed to feel good, not make you bleed! Please sit down with your boyfriend and read Sex 101, Fingering basics for men, and how to go down on a woman – you both need lessons! You can find all of that here.

Warmest regards,
Aunt Vadge  

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