Fingering basics for men

A guide for guys on how to use their fingers to pleasure a woman.

Dealing with unpleasant vaginal tastes and smells

For Men: Faced with a bad taste or smell? Find out what to do.

Your vagina’s immune system

Vaginal cells have inbuilt defence mechanisms that help keep your vagina healthy, with special cells and a special fluid that bathes your vaginal cells.

Semen allergy

Semen allergy is an allergy to the protein found in semen, and can cause irritation, itching inflammation, and soreness.

Vulvovaginitis and vaginal discharge in children

Vulvovaginitis and vaginal discharge in girls, and what to do about it.

Emergency contraception: the morning after pill Plan B, ‘the pill’ pills

The oral contraceptive pill can be used as the morning-after pill - they are the same thing, just different doses.

The contraceptive patch

The contraceptive patch is a hormonal sticker that goes onto an area of the skin, to provide protection from unwanted pregnancy. The hormones act like other absorbency-based contraceptives.

Choosing the best birth control for you

Choosing the right birth control can be tricky, but there is one out there for you!

Skins: condoms made from sheep intestine

So far hands-down the most-loved condoms ever made.

Latex-free condoms

What's available, how much and where from.

Vulvovaginal infections

Vaginal infections come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the microbes involved. Microbes range from yeasts to parasites to bacteria, some of which are easy to get rid of, some you want to keep, and others you just have to live with.

The facts about toxins in tampons

Tampons are thought to be pretty safe to use.

Tampons being used to find sewerage in rivers

Tampons are being used as glowing beacons of pollution.

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Dioxins are one of the 'dirty dozen' worst toxic pollutants.

Tampon absorbency ratings

What tampon absorbency ratings mean.

The invention of tampons

A short history of tampons.

How to treat a male sexual partner for BV

Men having sex with women with BV usually have G. vaginalis infection. Here's what to do.

How and why BV is sexually transmitted

BV can be sexually transmitted, and here's the evidence.

What to do if symptoms are the same or worse during or after treatments

If your vaginal symptoms get worse after BV treatments, you've probably had a changing of the guard - but from pathogen to pathogen.