Bladder exstrophy repair surgery

The surgical repair of a bladder exstrophy has two parts - the bladder repair and the pelvic bone repair.

Epispadias in girls

Epispadias is a birth defect in boys and girls whereby the genitals are improperly formed, affecting the urethra, and sometimes the bladder and other structures. Epispadias in girls looks quite different to boys, but the concept is the same.

Bladder exstrophy

Bladder exstrophy is a condition a child is born with whereby the bladder is on the outside of the body, and other pelvic structures are not properly formed.

Urethral prolapse

Urethral prolapse is an uncommon condition that is treatable in most cases, with very good outcomes. The urethra or part of the sleeve of the urethra protrudes out, causing discomfort and urinary issues.


Ureteroceles are a birth defect affecting the ureters, resulting in problems with urine flow. The connection point of the bladder and lower ureters becomes swollen, and urine flow is blocked, causing the ureters to expand like a water balloon.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an adrenal gland disorder where the production of cortisol is affected by an enzyme defect. Androgen precursors accumulate in the blood, with results that range from salt-wasting, high blood pressure, and virilising/feminising.

The Prader Scale of genitalia explained

The Prader Scale shows human genitalia from 0 to 6, from typically female at one end to typically male.


Large clitorises can develop for several reasons, with the most common being an excess of androgens for some reason when a foetus was developing.

Transverse and longitudinal vaginal septum abnormalities

Transverse and longitudinal vaginal septa create a blockage horizontally or vertically in the middle of the vaginal canal.

Vaginal atresia

Vaginal atresia is where the vagina is closed off or doesn't exist, with four common reasons why this might happen. Atresia means narrowing of a body cavity or passage.

Vaginal hypoplasia – the partial vagina

Vaginal hypoplasia is where the vagina doesn't really exist in its full form, or exist at all. The vagina may be narrowed or have not ever developed in the person in the first place.

Congenital vaginal obstruction

Congenital vaginal obstructions come in two forms, one being a structure deep in the vagina that blocks the whole vagina, or an hymen that completely covers the vaginal opening. Both are easily treated.