Study: Gardnerella vaginalis – links with male infertility?

Researchers look into the sperm quality of infertile men carrying G. vaginalis.

Pregnancy tests – how to get accurate results

Understanding the ins and outs of home pregnancy tests.

How babies are made

We explain in plain English how an egg and sperm turns into a baby, and how that all goes down inside our bodies. Important to know if you are wondering how you can get pregnant!

Feeling your cervix for signs of ovulation

You can feel where you're at in your cycle by feeling your cervix - is it high, soft and wet? Maybe you're ovulating. If it's low and hard, you may be about to get your period.

The HPO and HPA axes

The HPO and HPA axes are two critical feedback loops that govern our stress response and the intricate hormonal interplays of the menstrual cycle.

What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD?

Understanding the difference between PMS and PMDD.

How to use sanitary pads and pantyliners

Pads and panty liners are an option for when you have your period to collect the blood that comes out of your vagina. Pads are used for heavier flows, while panty liners can be used for light flow or protecting your underwear from regular vaginal fluids.

Period undies and swimwear

Period undies are changing the way we have periods, since now you can just free bleed into your underwear, and they're so high-tech that you won't leak or even feel wet. Use with tampons or by themselves, for periods or stress urinary incontinence.

When you can and can’t get pregnant

Tell if you are pregnant right now, based on what you just did!

Allen-Masters syndrome

Allen-Masters syndrome is characterised by pelvic pain caused by trauma.

Treating endometriosis

Treating endometriosis can be tricky, with a handful of medical and naturopath treatment strategies, often used in combination.

Understanding and treating period pain

Understanding what type of period pain you are experiencing is important when deciding on treatments.

46,XX testicular difference of sexual development (DSD)

Folks with the 46,XX testicular difference of sexual development (DSD) are genetically female, but look (and feel) like males in every other way.

46,XX ovotesticular difference of sexual development (DSD)

The 46,XX ovotesticular genetic make-up means both ovarian and testicular tissue is present.

Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome is what life looks like with a missing X chromosome, in women. Turner syndrome is only found in females, with just one copy of the X chromosome present. Diagnosis might be made late, at puberty, when events don't pan out like they were expected to.

Obstructed uterine horn

An obstructed uterine horn is an anatomical abnormality whereby the uterus is not connected properly with the fallopian tubes.

Kallmann syndrome

Kallmann syndrome is a genetic disorder characterised by lessened or no sense of smell and late/no puberty. Girls with Kallmann syndrome may fail to get their period and have very small breasts, with both boys and girls with this condition likely to have other abnormalities present.

Gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy)

A molar pregnancy is characterised by a positive pregnancy test, but the growing foetus is actually a tumour. There is actually no foetus present at all, and the pregnancy would never have been viable.

Persistent mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS)

PMDS is a disorder of sexual development that only affects males, but results in a person having a uterus and fallopian tubes. This ducting is present because of a failure for the mullerian ducts to transform under the influence of an enzyme.

What is free bleeding?

Free bleeding is a term used to describe a lack of impediment of menstrual blood - a pad, tampon or menstrual cup - out of the body and into your clothes (or cool period undies!).