Hormonally, breastfeeding/nursing is a unique time, with high prolactin and low oestrogen. Lactation is typically a low-oestrogen state, which needs to be taken into account when treating vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Estrogen promotes a special sugar in the vagina, glycogen, which is protective lactobacilli food. Therefore when nursing, the lower estrogen results in a less friendly vagina for healthy flora.
The role of prolactin in nursing
High prolactin blocks the normal cascade of hormones that cause ovulation and periods. Depending on where you’re at with your breastfeeding journey, you may not have regular oestrogen levels. This is why your periods may take a few months to return after a pregnancy.
Vaginal absorption of treatments and safety
The vaginal mucosa can absorb many treatments, in particular, herbal treatments, so these are not safe to use unless under practitioner guidance.
The vagina is a great drug delivery system, and absorbs a lot, depending on how large the molecules are and other factors, so it’s important to be judicious.
Unless you’re under the guidance of a trained herbalist, do not use herbal medicine during pregnancy or breastfeeding orally or vaginally. Additionally, do not use any oral enzymes, as it is unclear what the impact may be.
Breastfeeding and pregnant?
If you are breastfeeding and also pregnant, please follow the recommendations for treatment during pregnancy only.
Best treatment for BV while breastfeeding
- Fennelope – first two weeks one pessary deep vaginally before bed.
- Shatavari orally for 45 days, one capsule twice daily, to encourage healthy hormones and promote breast milk.
- Lactulose and Probiotic Kit vaginal treatment, use after Fennelope every three days or as needed.
- Check vaginal pH using accurate vaginal pH testing strips. Learn how to check your own vaginal pH.
- Use the prefilled shopping cart to add this effective treatment plan to your cart instantly.

When to stop this treatment
If you are symptom-free and have a pH sitting between 3.5 and 4.5 on the strips, you don’t need to treat any more. If that changes, do 3-4 nights of Fennelope and restart the lactulose and probiotic until symptoms subside and the pH remains stable.
If you feel good on the shatavari, you can use another jar. We do not advise staying on any supplement or herbal medicine indefinitely without practitioner guidance; solve the problem and treat only what you need to.
Accurate vaginal pH strips offer an indicator of vaginal pH, great for use before, during and after treatments.
For odour, discharge, BV, 'mystery bad vag' and to restore a protective vaginal microbiome with specialised vaginal prebiotic and probiotic.
Powerful rejuvenating female tonic, 'Queen of Herbs', aphrodisiac - one that actually works!
Breastfeeding-friendly BV treatments
- The Three L’s (oral and vaginal treatment)
- Fluomizin (vaginally)
- Lactulose and Probiotic Kit (vaginally)
- Fennelope (vaginally)
- Shatavari (orally)
- Lactoferrin (orally)
If you have a complex health history or are on medications, please check each ingredient with your paediatrician/doctor before embarking on these treatments to ensure it is safe for you personally.
Specially formulated probiotic for vaginal application to promote a healthy vaginal microbiome.
Powerful rejuvenating female tonic, 'Queen of Herbs', aphrodisiac - one that actually works!
For odour, discharge, BV, 'mystery bad vag' and to restore a protective vaginal microbiome with specialised vaginal prebiotic and probiotic.
Support total recovery of protective vaginal flora with oral and vaginal prebiotic, probiotic and immune booster, plus pH strips.
Targeting BV and AV-related bacteria, including biofilms.
Using oestrogen cream vaginally while breastfeeding and treating BV
You may interfere with your milk supply if you use some vaginal oestrogens (they are absorbed into the blood), but oestriol (E3) is the only oestrogen that is believed to be safe to use during breastfeeding.
E3 does not change your blood E1 or E2 levels, which are the key oestrogens involved in your reproductive system. E3 is the vaginal oestrogen used in menopause or if ovaries have been removed – other low oestrogen states. Read more about E3.
Using NAC while breastfeeding
If you are using NAC in your treatment, there are a couple of things to know if you are breastfeeding. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid and acts as an antioxidant. Not a lot of NAC actually makes it into your bloodstream, meaning not much of it can be transferred to your breast milk.
It’s quite sulphurous, so may not be super delicious for your baby, but because not much gets absorbed in its raw form, this effect should be minimal.
NAC is converted into cysteine in the liver. Cysteine is a non-essential amino acid in infants and adults, but an essential amino acid in premature neonates, up to about two months old. In fact, cysteine is given to premature babies and is commonly found in breast milk and formula.
NAC is converted into glutathione, a free radical scavenger. Not a lot is known about NAC and breastfeeding, but it is not considered dangerous to your baby. It may only be the sulphurous nature that may deter your baby from enjoying feeding, but you will soon find out if you give it a try.
If you are worried about it, don’t take NAC orally, but you can use it vaginally. So far as we know, these ingredients are breastfeeding-friendly, at least in a theoretical sense, but act cautiously, get personalised advice from your healthcare practitioner, and write to us via the Support Section if you have any questions.
Getting support
If you’re not getting the results you’re after, please book with a My Vagina vulvovaginal specialist practitioner for effective, personalised 100% holistic treatments. We understand what is happening to you and can help.
- 1.Sheyholislami H, Connor KL. Are Probiotics and Prebiotics Safe for Use during Pregnancy and Lactation? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. Published online July 13, 2021:2382. doi:10.3390/nu13072382
- 2.Gomez Arango LF, Barrett HL, Callaway LK, Nitert MD. Probiotics and Pregnancy. Curr Diab Rep. Published online November 11, 2014. doi:10.1007/s11892-014-0567-0