The critical role of lactic acid in the vagina

Explore the benefits of lactic acid in vaginal health, from its antimicrobial properties to HIV protection.

12 habits of healthy women

Discover the 12 essential habits that can transform your health and energy levels. These straightforward tips, based on years of experience with women’s health, will help you look and feel younger.

Understanding vaginal tastes (the good and the bad)

A comprehensive overview of how different elements like diet, hygiene, and natural body secretions impact the taste of a vagina.

What does a healthy vaginal microbiome look like?

A great explanation of the vaginal microbiome and who's who!

Understanding Community State Types

Learn more about community state types of the vaginal microbiome.

How to make a pelvic exam and pap test easier

Pro physiotherapist tips on how to make a pap smear less terrible.

What an L. iners vaginal microbiome may mean

We discuss why L. iners can be the dominant lactobacilli species in the vaginal microbiome and what to do about it.

Vaginal smells – what’s normal?

Our guide to vaginal odours takes you through the different smells, and what they could mean.

Understanding hiatal, umbilical and inguinal hernias

If your three body cavities are putting pressure on each other, the result can be hernias and pelvic problems.

How to get a comprehensive vaginal, urinary and semen microbiome test

Get accurate testing based on your needs via thorough vaginal and urinary microbiome testing.

Understanding the perineum

The perineum is the area between the vulva and the anus, between the thighs.

New ideas on treating cytolytic vaginosis

Here we go through some new treatment ideas for CV, especially in cases where baking soda doesn't work.

Ingredients to keep away from your vag – bubble bath, here’s looking at you!

Check the ingredients on everything you put near your vuvla, particularly in the shower or bath. You can be irritating your delicate tissue without knowing.

How do lesbians lose their virginity?

When you are still technically a virgin or not is a complicated question based on old ideas of purity. You lose your virginity when you say you do!

Understanding the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is critical for supporting pelvic organs, keeping us going to the toilet effectively, and enjoying sex.

Lactobacillus gasseri vulvovaginal and urinary tract colonisation

Lactobacillus gasseri is one of the heros of your vagina, being a good coloniser, and a hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid producer.

Lactobacillus reuteri vulvovaginal colonisation

Lactobacillus reuteri is a commonly studied probiotic bacteria in the fight against recurrent urinary tract infections. 

Lactobacillus fermentum vulvovaginal colonisation

Lactobacillus fermentum is a bacteria found harmlessly in sourdough, fermenting foods, and the vulvovaginal area in women (considered probiotic), with some less friendly strains found in dental cavities in the mouth. Lactobacillus fermentum has sometimes been mistaken for what is now known as Lactobacillus reuteri, a well-known and researched vulvovaginal and urinary tract probiotic.

Lactobacillus spp.

Many areas of the human body are colonised with different species of lactobacilli, including the digestive system, vulvovaginal area, and urinary tract.

Lactobacillus salivarius vulvovaginal colonisation

Lactobacillus salivarius is a probiotic bacteria that is known to have anti-Gardnerella vaginalis effects, which means it could help protect against bacterial vaginosis. Lactobacillus salivarius may also have anti-Candida albicans effects. Lactobacillus salivarius can be a solid contributor to a healthy vaginal ecosystem, helping to reduce inflammation and eradicate pathogens.