Understanding Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS)

SJS is a serious and severe drug reaction that affects skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina and urinary tract.

Itching and popping: is it vaginitis emphysematosa?

This rare condition appears as gas-filled cysts on vaginal, vulvar or cervical mucosal surfaces, and can cause symptoms like a popping noise or sensation.

Ankylosing spondylitis and your vagina and urinary tract

Ankylosing spondylitis is an inherited chronic inflammatory condition that affects bones and joints, with links to the microbiome.

The autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet

An overview of the autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet, to help manage and understand chronic illness.

Aunt Vadge’s Treatment Chooser

Not sure which direction to go in? Our treatment chooser can help!

Understanding sulfa allergy, sulfites and sulphur

A quick overview of sulfa drug allergy, a list of drugs that contain sulfonamides, and how this is different to sulfites and sulphur.

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)

MCAS is a condition whereby the histamine-producing mast cells across the body are activated, with very uncomfortable results.

Smoking and BV

Smoking affects the vaginal microbiome and urinary tract in several important ways, contiruting directly to BV and UTIs.

Vulvar endometriomas

Vulvar or vaginal endometriomas are painful cysts that occur due to endometriosis.

Dermatographia on the vulva

Dermatographia is an allergy to friction or touch, with severe itching and possibly red welts appearing on the vulva. This allergy to touch can occur anywhere on the body, however when it appears on the vulva only, it gets its own classification.

Cystic teratomas and dermoid cysts – ovarian

A dermoid cyst is a growth in the ovary that contains hair, teeth, bone, and other tissue. A dermoid cyst is not a pregnancy, but a tumour.

Benign ovarian masses

Benign ovarian masses can include non-cancerous tumours or cysts, with most coming and going without symptoms. A benign mass could mean a cyst that develops during or after ovulation, or a tumour that appears out of embryonic tissue.

Vaginal mullerian cysts

Mullerian cysts are caused either by an anatomical hiccup or appear after trauma to the vagina, such as might occur during childbirth. Mullerian cysts are benign, but can range in size from very small to extremely large and uncomfortable.

Scleroderma and your sex life

Scleroderma can present some challenges to women when it comes to sex and enjoying your vagina, with not much research into this aspect of a scleroderma diagnosis.

Candida (yeast) sensitivity or allergy in the vulva or vagina

A yeast allergy can manifest in the vagina and vulva causing itching and burning, but be totally missed by your doctor since tests may be negative.

Pemphigus vulgaris

Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune condition that affects the mucous membranes, including the vagina and vulva. If left untreated, pemphigus vulgaris can be fatal.

Mucous membrane pemphigoid

Mucous membrane pemphigoid is an autoimmune condition that affects mucous membranes, including those of the vulva. Mucous membrane pemphigoid can also affect the eyes, causing blisters to appear.

Study: the link between BV and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and colitis)

There is a positive association between IBD and BV bacteria, with worse outcomes for those on steroids treatment.

H. pylori and bacterial vaginosis

We discuss why H. pylori infections - and their medical treatments - can result in BV.

Latex allergy and condom allergy

Latex allergy affects millions of people globally, with our increasing use of latex in gloves, condoms, and many other everyday items. Condom allergy will manifest itself quite soon after contact, with swelling, itching, soreness, hives and other signs of irritation, which can be mild or severe.