What is genital shedding in herpes?

Viral shedding is where a virus makes virus babies that are popped out of cells, setting out to find their own cells to replicate in, and pop out their own viral babies.

Study: BV, HIV and herpes – is all what it seems?

The link between HIV, BV and HSV-2 may not be as it seems.

Genital lupus

Vulvar itching and lesions are an uncommon element of lupus in some women, however these symptoms are not often discussed in doctor's appointments. Vaginal or vulvar symptoms of lupus can cause great discomfort and shame for women.

Vulvar eczema

Vulvar eczema is an immune system response that appears on the skin to an irritant or allergen internally or externally.

HPV vaccine – Gardasil and Cervarix – for men and women

The Gardasil vaccine is used in boys and girls up to age 26 to protect against various HPV strains.

Behçet disease

Behçet syndrome is a complex, mysterious disease that presents with ulcerations across the body. These ulcers can appear in the mouth, genitals, and vascular system.

Genital ulcers from non-sexually-transmissible viral sources

There are a few rarer causes of genital ulcers that can appear with flu-like symptoms, or by themselves, and appear to be related to viruses.

Vulvar dermatoses classifications

A simplified version of the ISSVD vulvar dermatoses classifications.

Crohn’s disease impact on the vulva and vagina

Crohn's disease can also affect the vagina and vulva, however vulvovaginal or gynaecological symptoms in women may be missed, and can be hard to treat.

Allergic contact dermatitis on the vulva

Contact dermatitis can cause itching, dryness, redness and soreness of the vulva - the inner or outer labia, or clitoris and clitoral hood. Vulvar contact dermatitis is caused by something that touches your vulva, like laundry detergent in underwear, toilet paper, or douches.

Vulvovaginal-gingival lichen planus (or syndrome) (VVG-LP)

Vulvovaginal-gingival syndrome (or vulvovaginal-gingival lichen planus) is a rare variety of lichen planus affecting both the mouth and the vulva/vagina.

Vulvovaginal lichen planus (LP)

There are several different types of lichen planus, a lichenoid condition that can affect the vulva and the mouth. Lichen planus can affect keratinisation of the skin on any part of the body, causing thickening and hardening of skin.

Erosive lichen planus (ELP)

Erosive lichen planus is a chronic ulcerative condition of the mouth, vulva and vagina, being a different condition to cutaneous lichen planus. Erosive lichen planus causes ulcerations.

Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC)

Contact dermatitis of the vulva can result in what's known as lichen simplex chronicus (LSC), which is itchy, thickened skin. Removing the offending irritant is the best way to solve LSC, but additional creams or soothing ointments can be used.

Marsupialisation of a Bartholin (vestibular) gland cyst

This surgery involves cutting open a Bartholin's duct cyst, and suturing the walls to allow draining.

Marsupialisation of a vaginal cyst

Marsupialisation is a surgical technique whereby a slit is cut into an cyst and the edges are sewn onto other skin to keep it open.

Nabothian cysts

Nabothian cysts are considered to be benign and normal for the most part, and do not require any treatment. Nabothian cysts appear on the surface of the cervix.

Semen allergy

Semen allergy is an allergy to the protein found in semen, and can cause irritation, itching inflammation, and soreness.

Latex-free condoms

What's available, how much and where from.

Bartholin gland cysts and abcesses

What to do with the cysts, blockages and abscesses in the tiny ducts that make you wet.