Is bifido a possible treatment for CV?
Here we discuss the ways bifidobacterium may be a possible avenue in the treatment of CV.
The relationship between AV and CV
Learn why AV and CV can switch after treatment with antibiotics, and what to do about the underlying issue.
Understanding Community State Types
Learn more about community state types of the vaginal microbiome.
How to get a comprehensive vaginal, urinary and semen microbiome test
Get accurate testing based on your needs via thorough vaginal and urinary microbiome testing.
New ideas on treating cytolytic vaginosis (CV)
Learn about some novel treatment strategies for tackling CV. Baking soda isn't a cure! But what is? We discuss.
Understanding and treating vaginal lactobacillosis (VL) (leptothrix vaginalis)
Lactobacillosis is characterised by vaginal colonisation and overgrowth of longer than usual lactobacilli, causing unpleasant symptoms.
Cyclic vulvovaginitis
Cyclic vaginitis is vaginal or vulvar symptoms occurring like clockwork every menstrual cycle, with yeast and lactobacilli overgrowth the two main culprits.
Causes of excessive vaginal discharge
We review some causes of excessive vaginal discharge.
Can I use veggie caps for the suppositories?
Veggie caps can be quite drying and gluggy in the vagina, because they absorb moisture to break down, and are designed for the stomach, which has acid.
Can the BV treatment cause lactobacilli overgrowth syndrome?
Will the lactobacilli proliferate too much from the BV treatment?
Aunt Vadge: pain, yellow discharge, spotting, not resolved by Dalacin
Lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome not responding to strong antibacterials prescribed - what now?
Understanding and treating cytolytic vaginosis (CV) (lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome)
Cytolytic vaginosis is a condition of problematic lactobaillus overgrowth, typically L. crispatus, causing burning and irritation.
What have I got – yeast or BV – symptom checker
This quiz will tell you if you have BV or a yeast infection. If you don't know what to look for, it can be confusing.