Granuloma inguinale (Klebsiella granulomatis)

Granuloma inguinale is an STI caused by a bacteria, and causes lumps that turn into sores in the genital area.

Genital ulcers from non-sexually-transmissible viral sources

There are a few rarer causes of genital ulcers that can appear with flu-like symptoms, or by themselves, and appear to be related to viruses.

What CFU should the probiotics I use be?

Probiotic capsules should have as many CFUs as possible, with a properly tailored variety of bacteria and species.

Study: How cinnamon oil interferes with biofilm formation

Cinnamon oil has antimicrobial properties that interfere with biofilm formation of certain gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Study: Essential oils that attack biofilms in vitro

A study examines several essential oils for their potency against biofilms.

How to make a pessary/suppository out of coconut, tea tree and lavender essential oils

Making vaginal pessaries or suppositories is easy with coconut and essential oils, used for minor flora imbalances like a yeast infection.

STI testing

Getting an STI test is a good idea, especially if you (or your partner) likes sex with more than one person.

STIs affecting women-only sex partners more often

Some STIs are more common in lesbians and bisexual women than heterosexual women. We discuss why.

Everything you need to know about pap tests and pap smears

Pap tests (also called Pap smears) are done periodically to check the cervix for abnormal changes that could lead to cervical cancer.

Pubic lice (crabs, pediculosis)

Pubic lice - crabs - are reasonably easy to treat using medication or natural treatments, but can be persistent and spread easily.

Congenital syphilis

Congenital syphilis is completely treatable, but untreated, can cause serious and permanent health problems.


Syphilis is an infection that has largely been eradicated due to antibiotics and condoms. But, you can still catch it if you are having unprotected sex in some areas of the world.

Staphylococcus bacterial biofilms

Staph biofilms have been found on regular-use tampons and pads (after use).

Vaginal methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection

MRSA is an antibiotic-resistant form of Staph that can infect the vagina. It can be life-threatening.

Shigella vaginal infections

Shigella is a cause of vaginal infections and vulvovaginitis, particularly in children.

Methenamine for treating a UTI

Discover how Methenamine (Hiprex) effectively prevents and treats UTIs without bacteria developing resistance.

Coping with the shame associated with BV

Shame associated with BV and other vaginal disorders can be debilitating.

The Depo Provera and BV – help or hindrance?

We discuss the impact of the Depo Provera contraceptive injection on BV.

Understanding diabetes and an itchy, yeasty vagina

Women with diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation get more yeast infections due to high glucose levels in the vagina feeding the yeasts.

Vulvar and vaginal tinea (tinea genitalis, ringworm)

Vulvar and vaginal tinea is a skin fungal infection that may present with dry, itchy, sore skin around the genital/crotch area.