How to get a comprehensive vaginal, urinary and semen microbiome test
Get accurate testing based on your needs via thorough vaginal and urinary microbiome testing.
Study: Treating cervical infections and dysplasia with high-dose vitamin D
Researchers look into using vaginal vitamin D ovules for post-medical-treatment of chronic cervical infections and abnormal cell growth.
Prevotella bivia in the vagina
Prevotella bivia is found in many human infections, including the vagina, contributing to bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.
Prevotella amnii vulvovaginal infections
Prevotella amnii has been isolated from the endometrial lining of the uterus, and in women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and bacterial vaginosis.
Testing and treatment for Mycoplasma genitalium
M. genitalium is an STI, tricky to treat due to its small size, lack of culturability, and no cell wall at which to direct treatments.
Study: the relationship between endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium) and BV
Women with BV more often have an inflamed endometrial lining than those without BV.
Lauren tells us her BV story – read it!
A woman's BV symptoms disappear with an elimination diet and other treatments under the guidance of her naturopath. See what she's doing.
There are numerous reasons why your cervix may be inflamed, but cervicitis is typically caused by an infection of some kind that can be easily treated.
Understanding and treating pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatments of PID, and why it can be hard to treat. We offer effective some non-drug teatment options.
Vaginal bacteria around the world
Find out which species of vaginal microflora your racial background has.