The microbiome of the penis, semen and male reproductive tract
The penile microbiome is being examined for its role in fertility, infections and interactions with the vaginal microbiome.
Can we use boric acid on the penis?
We discuss the use of boric acid on the penis for treating vaginal dysbiosis-related problems.
Use of probiotics in penis treatments
We explain how to make the best use probiotics in Killing BV penis treatments.
Using lactulose and probiotics – penis (Killing BV)
Find instructions on how to use lactulose and probiotics on the penis as part of Killing BV treatments.
Study: men carry BV-associated bacteria on and in their penises
Researchers tested the skin of the penis, urethra, head of the penis and urine and semen samples of the male partners of women with BV - men have it too!
Using the herbal pessary blends – penis (Killing BV)
Here we detail the instructions for men to use Aunt Vadge's Herbal BV/AV Pessary/Penis Rub Blend as a penis rub to clear up that end of the problem.
Using InterFase Plus – penis (Killing BV)
We explain how to use InterFase or InterFase Plus as a penis treatment for BV-related biofilms in men, with clear instructions for dosage and application.
Four-pronged approach – penis (Killing BV)
The detailed four-pronged Killing BV approach instructions for men who have been in contact with BV-laced vaginas and suspect they need treatment.
BV penis treatment for men
Men need to be treated too.