Aunt Vadge: sex and fingering – am I pregnant?

Hi Aunt Vadge,
I’m like 2 days late. So like a month ago I had sex with my boyfriend but we had protected sex. A few days ago he fingered me.  Idk if I’m pregnant or not. I’m worried since my periods are late

Really Worried
Age: 17
Country: Asia


Dear Really Worried,

If you have used protection during sex, and then only been fingered, then you can’t be pregnant!

To get pregnant, you need semen/sperm in your vagina while you’re ovulating. If you don’t already, get a period tracker app or use a calendar, and start working out when you ovulate and how long your cycles are.

Instructions for finding out when you ovulate

The number of days between periods will usually be different every month, so if your period is ‘late’, it’s usually just a normal fluctuation in the number of days between periods.

Day 1 of your period, when you first start bleeding, is known as Day 1 of your menstrual cycle. You count the days between Day 1 of your last period, and Day 1 of your next period, and that is the length of your cycle.

You’ll start to notice that the days fluctuate between 21 days and 35 days. If your cycle length is longer or shorter than this, then something is up with your hormones that needs looking at.

You aren’t pregnant, so your period should come soon. It’s useful to learn about your cycle lengths so you understand first when you ovulate and when your fertile days are (a few days before and after ovulation, when you can get pregnant). It’s a little complicated to understand all the hormones and so on, but the most important part is understanding when you ovulate. If you can figure that out, then you’ll know when to be extra careful.

Aunt Vadge

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