CLOSED DEC 2019: Be part of a pelvic floor study from your couch! (ends Dec 2019)

Monash Pelvic Floor Study

Researchers from Monash University want to understand how pelvic floor problems (bladder, bowel, pelvic pain and sexual problems) affect women with breast cancer compared with women without breast cancer.


To be part of this study…

To be part of this study, all you need is to measure your waist circumference (use a piece of string, scarf or pant leg and a ruler if you don’t have a tape measure!), height and weight, plus your own experiences with your vagina, bladder and bowel. That is, your pelvic floor function.

To be eligible you:

– Must be biologically female and 18 years of age or older – Do not have breast cancer – May or may not have problems with your pelvic floorThis is a completely confidential study being carried out by one of Australia’s best universities. Be part of science without moving a muscle!

How to complete the study questionnaire…

Please help us understand how your pelvic floor is working by answering a 20-minute questionnaire online. 


Remember, have your waist circumference at the ready, and don’t let that put you off helping women with important research into our pelvic floor. You might need this one day! Survey closed December 2019.

About the study

Pelvic floor problems vary according to a woman’s age, body mass index and number of children she has had, however, we don’t know whether these factors affect women with and without breast cancer differently – this is what we would like to find out.

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