Atrophic vaginitis (now part of Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause GSM)

Atrophic vaginitis, characterised by a dry, sore, and easily-torn vagina, is a result of hormonal changes due to menopause or loss of ovarian function. It falls under the broader category of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). This article delves into the causes, symptoms, and a comprehensive range of treatments for this condition, including lifestyle modifications, vaginal moisturisers, oestrogen therapy, and advanced options like laser and radiofrequency treatments.

Gonorrhoea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)

Gonorrhoea, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is a sexually transmitted infection that can affect the throat, genitals, or anus, presenting various symptoms based on the infected area. While treatable, untreated gonorrhoea can lead to serious health complications, including infertility and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. It's crucial to seek treatment promptly and inform sexual partners to prevent the spread of the infection.


HIV, an incurable virus affecting the immune system, is on the rise among the youth unaware of its dangers. Contracted through body fluids, it leads to AIDS if untreated, but with early detection and antiretroviral therapy, individuals can lead fulfilling lives. This article explores transmission, prevention, and the importance of regular testing, especially for sexually active individuals.


Chlamydia, a treatable sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, poses serious risks to reproductive health if left untreated. Symptoms vary between genders, including unusual discharge and pain during sex. Effective treatment involves antibiotics, with emphasis on partner treatment to prevent reinfection. Understanding symptoms and adhering to treatment protocols are key to managing this infection.

A short review of lactobacillus

Lactobacillus, also known as Döderlein's bacillus, is a gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacteria predominantly found in the vagina, playing a crucial role in maintaining vaginal health. These bacteria are essential for keeping the vagina acidic and healthy, fighting off infections like HIV, herpes, and chlamydia, and varying in populations among different ethnicities. Not all lactobacilli are the same, with some strains producing hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins to combat non-lactobacilli bacteria. Beyond vaginal health, Lactobacillus species are also vital in the fermentation of various foods and have numerous protective effects in the human body.

Causes of vaginitis or vaginosis

Vaginitis or vaginosis can stem from multiple causes, including bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, trichomoniasis, and more. Identifying the specific type based on symptoms like discharge characteristics, pain, and other signs is crucial for effective treatment. This comprehensive guide covers the common and less known causes, helping you understand when to seek medical advice for optimal vaginal health.

Telling your girlfriend she has bad vag

Discussing vaginal odour with your partner can be challenging, yet it's crucial for both partners' health and happiness. This guide offers advice on approaching the subject with sensitivity, understanding the potential causes of 'bad vag', and the importance of seeking medical treatment. Whether it's bacterial vaginosis, an STI, or another issue, addressing the problem together can strengthen your relationship and ensure both partners' well-being.

BV in pregnancy

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) in pregnancy poses a significant risk for preterm delivery, affecting the baby's development in the crucial final trimester. Despite the commonality of BV, and its association with premature birth, certain treatments during pregnancy can safely manage the condition. Studies highlight the complexities of treating BV with antibiotics, emphasizing the need for continued research and tailored management strategies to safeguard pregnancy outcomes.

Being diagnosed with BV

Being accurately diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (BV) is crucial for effective treatment. This article guides you through the diagnosis process, the importance of comprehensive testing, and treatment options including antibiotics and the role of male partners in recurrence. It emphasizes the need for a thorough understanding of your vaginal microbiome to combat BV effectively.

Vaginosis or vaginitis?

Understanding the distinction between vaginitis and vaginosis is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. Vaginitis involves inflammation and symptoms like itchiness and pain, often caused by infection or allergies. Vaginosis, however, signifies a bacterial imbalance without inflammation, presenting different symptoms. Knowing the difference can guide effective management of vaginal health issues.

Trichomonas vaginalis (trich, trichomoniasis)

Trichomonas vaginalis, the parasite behind trichomoniasis, affects millions globally. While men often show no symptoms, women may experience discomfort and discharge. Early detection and treatment with antibiotics are key to managing this STI, which, if untreated, can lead to serious health complications including increased risk of HIV and impacts on pregnancy. Learn the importance of STI checks and the effective treatments available.

Gardnerella vaginalis in BV

Gardnerella vaginalis, identified by Hermann Gardner in 1955, plays a pivotal role in bacterial vaginosis (BV) by disrupting the normal vaginal flora and forming a biofilm that blocks healthy bacteria. This condition is often exacerbated by factors like antibiotic use, poor immunity, and an overall lack of friendly bacteria in the body, leading to a state known as dysbiosis.

What have I got – yeast or BV – symptom checker

Determining whether you have bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection hinges on symptom recognition. This article delves into the distinct signs of BV, yeast infections, and other vaginal health issues like aerobic vaginitis, trichomoniasis, and cytolytic vaginosis, providing insights into diagnosis and treatment options.

Why antibiotics don’t always work on BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) can be persistent due to bacterial biofilms that antibiotics struggle to dissolve. This article explores why antibiotics have a 50% success rate for BV, the role of biofilms in treatment resistance, and alternative strategies for those seeking relief from recurrent BV.

Bacterial vaginosis – why does my vagina smell like fish?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is characterized by a fishy-smelling vagina, often confused with STIs. It's crucial to get tested for an accurate diagnosis. BV involves the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, forming a resistant biofilm. Treatment includes removing this biofilm and restoring healthy bacteria. Our guide, Killing BV, offers insights into tackling recurrent BV and the importance of a comprehensive approach beyond antibiotics.

Study: BV can be sexually transmitted

Recent research confirms that bacterial vaginosis (BV) can indeed be sexually transmitted, involving a specific type of bacteria, Gardnerella vaginalis, that affects both men and women. This groundbreaking study highlights the importance of treating both partners to prevent re-transmission, challenging long-standing debates and providing clear evidence of the sexual transmission of cohesive Gardnerella biofilm, termed gardnerellosis.

The bacterial biofilm in BV

Bacterial biofilms, akin to a jelly cup with fruit, create a protective layer in the vagina that makes treating conditions like BV challenging. These biofilms prevent treatments from reaching the underlying bacteria, contributing to recurrent infections. Understanding the nature and resistance of biofilms against treatments like antibiotics is crucial for developing more effective strategies for managing vaginal dysbiosis, UTIs, and yeast infections.

Black women and BV

Black women experience a higher incidence of bacterial vaginosis (BV) compared to other ethnic groups, primarily due to naturally low levels of protective lactobacilli in the vagina. This article delves into the reasons behind the diverse vaginal microbiomes across ethnicities, the implications of low lactobacilli counts, and practical advice for managing and preventing BV.

Why BV leaves you wide open for STIs

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) significantly increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by depleting the vagina's natural protective lactobacilli. This condition, often exacerbated by practices like douching, leaves the vagina vulnerable to pathogens such as HIV, herpes, and HPV. A healthy vaginal environment, rich in lactobacilli, combats pathogens with high acidity, bacteriocins, and hydrogen peroxide, serving as a biological and chemical shield against infections.

Douching with BV, AV and yeast infections

Douching, the process of rinsing the vagina with liquids like diluted vinegar or water, has both supporters and detractors. While it can offer temporary relief from symptoms of bacterial vaginosis (BV), aerobic vaginitis (AV), or yeast infections, douching is generally considered harmful as it can disrupt healthy vaginal flora and lead to further infections. This article delves into when douching might be considered, its risks, and healthier alternatives for maintaining vaginal health.