Lichen sclerosus clinical trials in progress or recruiting

Check out current clinical trials for lichen sclerosus being undertaken across the world.

Study: Replens – a review for BV symptoms and vaginal pH (spoiler – it doesn’t work that well)

Replens does not significantly alter vaginal pH, and is not a treatment for BV, however may improve some symptoms.

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Dioxins are one of the 'dirty dozen' worst toxic pollutants.

Oral pilocarpine can moisten a dry vagina

A study shows that oral pilocarpine can offer those on chemotherapy relief from vaginal dryness with mild side effects.

How to make yoghurt with your vaginal bacteria

Genius makes yoghurt out of her vaginal secretions.

Study: regular exercise lowers oestrogen levels in postmenopausal women

Postmenopausal women were studied to see if exercise reduced oestrogen levels, and thus breast cancer risks.

Hymen injuries in children

Hymenal injuries in children typically heal very quickly, often without scarring. If your child has a torn hymen, it's important to know why and have her examined to ensure there is no internal injury.

STIs in children

Statistics show that about 10% of sexually abused children have an STI.

Study: Lactobacillus rhamnosus is resistant to antibiotics

A study on two lactobacilli and G. vaginalis. See which good bacteria actually survive antibiotics.

Study: Vagisil kills your good bacteria after 24 hours

Vagisil was shown in a lab to reduce the action of your good bacteria which is bad news for good vaginal health.

Vaginal bacteria around the world

Find out which species of vaginal microflora your racial background has.

Study: Does strain matter? G. vaginalis

Find out if the strain of Gardnerella matters when it comes to BV. A study examines 32 strains of G. vaginalis, their 8 biotypes and abnormal discharge.

A quick look at the evolution of BV research

Bacterial vaginosis has been a medical enigma for over a century, which isn't promising considering they still haven't found a solution or even a treatment that works.

Study: antibiotics can be a dud for BV

Metronidazole is not effective at killing bacterial vaginosis, because it does not remove the biofilm left by Gardnerella vaginalis.

Study: Ginkgo biloba for female sexual dysfunction caused by SSRI use

In a study of 63 test subjects suffering from antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction, the women in the group had up to 91 per cent success rate for increasing sexual response after taking ginkgo biloba.

Study: 5-day BV antibiotic treatment flop

Swidsinski strikes again in another study to help eradicate BV from the lives of women forever. What a dude.

Study: Lactobacillus attacks G. vaginalis biofilm

Lactobacillus has been shown to degrade the G. vaginalis biofilm better than any other substance.

Study: Cryopreserved donor sperm contains G. vaginalis (BV) seeds

A study has shown that some cryopreserved sperm is infected with G. vaginalis.

Atrophic vaginitis (now part of Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause GSM)

Atrophic vaginitis is caused by low oestrogen levels, since vaginal cells rely heavily on oestrogen to stay plump and juicy. Without oestrogen, our vulvar and vaginal cells can really suffer, becoming dry, easily broken, and irritated.

Study: BV can be sexually transmitted

BV has been found in male semen and urine samples. It is sexually transmissable between women and men.