How to get a comprehensive vaginal, urinary and semen microbiome test

Get accurate testing based on your needs via thorough vaginal and urinary microbiome testing.

How fertile is precum?

The pull-out method has been used successfully for all of humankind, but why does it work for some people and not for others? We explain.

How to moisten a dry vagina

A quick look at the different options for moistening a dry vagina.

How statins can cause diminished libido

We take a closer look at the effect of statins on libido.

What is relative oestrogen deficiency?

If you are skinny, smoke, eat too much fibre or over-exercise, you could be at risk of your periods stopping due to relative oestrogen deficiency.

Understanding and treating period pain

Understanding what type of period pain you are experiencing is important when deciding on treatments.

What is free bleeding?

Free bleeding is a term used to describe a lack of impediment of menstrual blood - a pad, tampon or menstrual cup - out of the body and into your clothes (or cool period undies!).

Poland: free electronic prescriptions for emergency contraceptives from WoW

Polish women can now get free emergency contraceptive prescriptions from Women on Waves after a short online consultation.

Should I take probiotics on an empty stomach or with food?

Ever wondered how best to take your probiotics? We discuss probiotic bacteria and stomach acid.


BV trial now taking participants in San Francisco.

When to worry about your cervix

What is your gynaecologist really looking for when they look at your cervix?

A hands-on guide to getting to know your vulva

We explain how to truly investigate your vulva so you know what every part is called, what it feels like, and what it should be doing.

How to underwear if you have vulvovaginal issues

Ever wondered just how important your underwear is to your vaginal condition? We explain.

Review: Luvena Restorative Moisturizer – how does it work?

This product may act in a tonic fashion by providing the vagina with ingredients to deter pathogens, encourage normal vaginal flora, and moisturise vaginal mucous membranes.

Brazilian, French and American bikini waxing styles

We talk you through what used to be the three main muff styles on offer around the world, and where they came from.

How to get better at talking about what you like sexually

Trying to have better sex without feeling like you are bumming the other person out takes some tact, so here are some tips.

What happens during a gynaecological pelvic exam

Confused about what to expect from your pelvic exam? We go through what you can expect from a pelvic examination by your doctor, including what you should know and what they are looking for.

Diagnostic procedures for the vulva, vagina and reproductive organs

There are a series of tests that may be conducted to determine the health of your reproductive organs and vagina. Find out what your test actually means and why it's being done.

Everything you need to know about pap tests and pap smears

Pap tests (also called Pap smears) are done periodically to check the cervix for abnormal changes that could lead to cervical cancer.

5-alpha-reductase deficiency (5 ARD)

5 ARD is a genetic blip that blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in a growing foetus. DHT is required for the penis and testicles to develop in a male foetus, resulting in ambiguous genitalia. People with 5 ARD may be brought up as girls or boys.