Let’s face it: nobody likes sex as much with a condom. Why? It dulls the sensation. Aint nothin’ like skin on skin!
Problem is, people carry germs. Your open vagina and urethra have raw mucous membranes that offer direct access to your bloodstream. The reverse is also true for the male urethra. This means microbes can more easily attach and multiply, causing infection.

If you don’t want to get pregnant or catch a sexually transmitted disease, you need to use condoms. This seems like simple advice, but if you’ve ever tried putting on a condom, it isn’t exactly simple. You either leave it to the guy to do, learn how to put it on yourself, or you don’t use it.
Types of condoms
There are two types of condoms, one for men and one for women. The male condom is the one that’s everywhere; it fits on an erect penis, fitting snugly around the base so as not to let any semen escape.
The female condom, on the other hand, goes inside the woman. Female condoms are vastly unpopular, but if you are struggling with birth control, can be an option that keeps you in charge. If you can make a female condom work for you, great.
Dental dams are also a form of barrier covering, and while not a condom per se, are used to protect a person’s mouth from vaginal microbes during oral sex.
Condoms can be made out of a few different substances, with the main varieties available in both latex and non-latex. There is even one brand that offers condoms made out of sheep intestine.
It’s time you learnt how to put a condom on, and not make it awkward or ruin your sexual experience.
The male condom is a good option for most people, but knowing how to use a condom is a real issue for many women. Unless you are experienced, it can seem easier to risk an STI and just do it without. INCORRECT.
Learn how to use them! Condoms will save you from worrying about getting pregnant and worse, having to get STI checks every second month.
There are loads of different types of condoms for penises, with the ultra thin varieties the most popular because they offer the greatest sensation.
Find a brand that you like, and learn how to use them. Watch YouTube videos if you must, slip them on to bananas and carrots if you need to, and better yet, learn how to put one on with your mouth. It is a skill that is undervalued, because fumbling around with your hands can seem like a total buzz kill.

Female condoms
These have a very, very bad reputation for being noisy, hard to use, and not remotely sexy, but that’s not fair anymore and many happy users will testify that the female condom deserves a fair go.
Female condoms are a valid option, and they do take some getting used to, are not perfect, and need extra lube, but they offer many couples a better experience than the male condom.
If you are going to give it a try, try it for a month, not just once. Just like putting in tampons, putting on a male condom and cooking risotto, the female condom takes some practice, but can be really rewarding as another contraceptive option.
Read our article on the female condom, which includes reviews – see what people using them actually think.
What are the best condoms?
The thinner the better, generally speaking, for greater sensations, but don’t forget to use lube to sweeten the deal. You are going to have to try a lot of varieties to find the kinds you prefer, as the size of the penis matters.
If the penis is modest, a big condom is going to fall right off, and if you have a girthy or lengthy penis, it will squash the life out of your erection and then break. Not safe.
When scouring the internet for the best condoms, make sure they are quality-tested and approved by at least one rich country or region who cares about the health and safety of their citizens (FDA and CA Mark are good starts).
If we go by reviews and how much people love them, Trojan’s Naturalamb real-skin condoms top the list of best condoms ever made. They do not protect against STIs unfortunately, but if you have to use condoms and don’t need to worry about STIs, these appear to be an excellent choice.
Top tips for using condoms, from pros
- Put a squirt of water-based lube into the inside tip of the condom before you put it on
- Always use lube on the outside of condoms – a couple of drops of water-based is fine, add more as required
- Pinch the tip before you put the condom onto the penis
- Make sure the penis is fully erect before trying to put the condom on
- If the condom is baggy, it’s too big and should not be used because it will fall off
- If the condom looks really tight or is hard to put on, it may be too small, and should not be used because it will split
- Don’t use condoms past their use-by date! They could be degraded and break. It’s better than nothing, but use lube and be very careful
- Don’t leave condoms in a hot car – they degrade
- Find the type of condom you like and stick with it – condoms can be expensive, but good quality condoms are worth the price – ask around for recommendations
Latex allergies
If you react badly to condoms (ranging from severe anaphylaxis to an itch), you may have a latex allergic. There are latex-free versions available online from more than one supplier.
Don’t forget that non-latex condoms also need lube and expire, just like regular condoms. Many female condoms are latex-free.
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