There are two main stages as you head towards menopause – early and late perimenopause – where hormonally, things look quite different and the consequences of these hormonal fluctuations can wreak havoc on your confidence and life.
Perimenopause is where many of us can feel the uncomfortable impacts of fluctuating hormone levels.
If you’re anxious, not sleeping well or are having worsening menstrual symptoms (heavy periods, PMS, clots), and you are over 40, you may be experiencing perimenopausal symptoms.
- ‘Flooding’, heavy periods, clots
- Periods become irregular
- Cycle length may increase or decrease
- Insomnia
- Hot flushes/hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Weight gain
- Migraines (especially around periods)
- More severe premenstrual symptoms, irritability, anger (try Premular)
- Joint pain
- Stiffness
- Lowered libido
- Vaginal dryness (use Fennelope)
- Change in body shape (more abdominal weight, less muscle)
‘Menopause’ refers to the last menstrual period. Menopause is only identifiable in hindsight. A person becomes “postmenopausal” when they haven’t had a period for the previous 12 months.
Some will stop getting symptoms after their final period, while others will continue to get hormonal and physical symptoms beyond this.
If you’re having symptoms, get support. Simone Jeffries is a 100% holistic naturopath who specialises in perimenopause and vaginas, and she can help you.
Enrol in Simone Jeffries’ popular Perimenopause Survival Kit Program or schedule an appointment directly.