Vaginal prolapse, pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal/pelvic relaxation syndromes

Vaginal and pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs lose support and protrude into the vaginal canal, causing discomfort and health issues. This article delves into the various types, symptoms, and treatments of prolapse, including pelvic physiotherapy, pessaries, and surgical options. It highlights the importance of understanding fascia's role, the

The Vaginal Maturation Index

The Vaginal Maturation Index (VMI) is a vital diagnostic tool that evaluates the effect of oestrogen on the vaginal cells, helping in the assessment of menopausal stages, hormonal imbalances, and the impact of treatments like tamoxifen. By analyzing the ratio of parabasal, intermediate, and superficial cells, VMI offers insights into

Atrophic vaginitis in breast cancer survivors

Breast cancer survivors often face the challenge of atrophic vaginitis due to the cessation of oestrogen production from treatments. This condition, affecting up to 70% of survivors, leads to vaginal dryness, discomfort, and emotional distress. However, alternatives to E1 and E2 oestrogen therapy, such as E3 therapy, lifestyle changes, and

The role of your adrenal glands in menopause

In menopause, the adrenal glands take on the critical role of producing oestrogens, alongside other hormones, as the ovaries diminish in function. The added workload can lead to symptoms of adrenal fatigue and exacerbate menopausal discomforts. Supporting adrenal health through stress management and lifestyle changes is vital for a smoother

USA: painful sex and have Medicare? Your treatment is NO LONGER excluded from Medicare Part D

In a significant policy update, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that medications for the treatment of painful sex, or dyspareunia, caused by menopause are now covered under Medicare Part D. This move acknowledges the struggles many postmenopausal women face with genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM),

Hormones in perimenopause and menopause

This article explores the critical hormonal changes occurring during perimenopause and menopause, focusing on oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, FSH, and LH. It delves into how these shifts contribute to common menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, mood changes, and alterations in menstrual cycles, offering insights into managing these changes.

Study: How early life circumstances affect menarche and menopause

This article delves into the significant ways in which the circumstances of our early lives can predict key events such as the timing of menarche and menopause. It highlights the link between early periods, later menopause, and health risks such as breast cancer, while also exploring the role of factors

Cervical stenosis

Cervical stenosis involves the narrowing or closure of the cervix, leading to potential complications such as pelvic pain, fertility issues, and endometriosis. Understanding its causes, from foetal abnormalities to postmenopausal atrophy, and exploring treatment options, including dilators and surgery, can offer relief and improve quality of life for those affected.

Breastfeeding: impact on oestrogen levels, the vagina and pelvic floor

Breastfeeding significantly impacts oestrogen levels, resulting in lowered amounts that can cause vaginal dryness, decreased libido, pelvic floor weakness, and changes in the vaginal microbiome. This article delves into the effects of low oestrogen during lactation, the role of lactobacilli in maintaining vaginal health, and introduces hormone-free treatments and foods

Review: Luvena Restorative Moisturizer – how does it work?

Luvena Restorative Moisturizer, designed for vaginal dryness, combines moisturising agents like jojoba seed oil with bactericidal properties from ingredients such as lactoferrin. While many find relief, some report intense burning, raising concerns about its suitability for all. This review delves into its composition, effectiveness, and the controversy surrounding one of

Tissue laxity in the labia and vagina

Experiencing changes in the labia and vagina due to ageing or childbirth is common, but there are various treatments available, from non-invasive radiofrequency and laser options to surgical interventions, aimed at tightening and revitalising these areas. Emphasising the importance of understanding one's body and the available medical advancements, this article

Sexual arousal disorders

Sexual arousal disorders disrupt the normal response to sexual stimuli, affecting both mental and physical aspects of arousal. These disorders, classified into subjective, genital, and combined types, can stem from psychological or physical causes. Treatment varies, focusing on the underlying issue, and may include hormone therapy, counseling, or specialized physiotherapy

Understanding and using phyto-oestrogens in food

Phyto-oestrogens, plant-based chemicals that mimic oestrogen in the human body, can be both beneficial and necessary, especially during menopause or for those seeking to balance hormone levels. Found in foods like soy, flax seeds, and legumes, these compounds offer a natural way to support hormonal health, protect against certain cancers,

Atrophic vaginitis caused by menopause has a new name

Previously known as vaginal atrophy, the discomfort many women experience during menopause has been renamed as Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). This change, endorsed by leading health societies, reflects a broader understanding of the condition, encompassing symptoms affecting the vagina, vulva, and urinary tract. GSM represents a more accurate and

Unlocking the mystery of menopause: the adrenal glands

Explore the pivotal role of adrenal glands in easing menopause symptoms with My Vagina. This article sheds light on how stress exacerbates common menopausal challenges and illustrates the benefits of adrenal support through bespoke herbal tonics and strategic lifestyle adjustments. Embrace a holistic approach to menopause management with yoga, meditation,