We're vulvovaginal experts

My Vagina has one goal: to revolutionise how vaginas are treated. We think outside the box when it comes to vaginal symptoms, seeking the root cause of symptoms to provide effective, long-lasting treatment. 

My Vagina helps thousands of people every day on their quest for a happy, healthy vagina. We’re excited to have you with us!

Yeast infections

Vaginal yeast affects almost everyone with a vagina. Learn how to treat a yeasty vagina with our expert guidance.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

UTIs are distressing, and if they recur, chronic UTIs can make life difficult in so many ways. We’re chronic UTI specialists. 

Aerobic vaginitis (AV)

Confused about AV? We’re not. Get nuanced, effective treatments and advice and perspectives on one of gynaecology’s enigmas, AV. 


Yes, it starts in your 40s, you’re not imagining things! We understand what is happening to you in perimenopause, and why. We can help.


Didn’t know menopause would feel like this? We did! We’re completely across menopause and how to move into your newfound freedom feeling comfortable. 

“You guys are the best. Thank you.”

“…your work has been thorough and considered, it’s the first time in years and years that I feel like there is some hope of putting the puzzle pieces together.”

“Finally someone who doesn’t just push it under the rug!”

“I cured my BV!”

A telescope looks out on a beautiful coral landscape.

Get a fresh perspective

Book a one-on-one telehealth consultation with a knowledgeable, compassionate, holistic vulvovaginal specialist naturopath.