Vaginas are confusing, we know

Men see their lovers’ vaginas in a way women don’t, which is front on, from behind, from the side, with tastes and smells that few heterosexual women ever enjoy. Women experience their vaginas primarily by touch, a lot of imagination, and a top-down approach.

The vagina is largely invisible to the person who owns it. There are so many bits of wet or dry, wrinkly skin, it’s amazing anyone ever figures it out. 

Lots of women don’t know much at all about their vaginas, so next time you find yourself perplexed, you can consider yourself in good company.

As we go through life, there are many vulvovaginal or reproductive issues that women and people with vaginas will face.

Often, a partner will be there, going through these issues with her. These problems can range from annoying infections to devastating diseases. Life is not always kind.

Having a bit more information on these issues as a partner can be extremely useful, since there is so much tied up in our pelvis besides our reproductive system.

This section is for men who have sex with women or people with biological vaginas. 

Welcome! Don’t forget, if you have any questions, Aunt Vadge knows everything and she’d love to help.



Know your anatomy

There are so many jokes about clueless guys not being able to find the clitoris, but it’s not that funny when it’s you who can’t find it, or worse, thinks you’ve found it, and it’s not it. 

Knowing your anatomy starts with naming body parts and understanding how each one functions and how it relates to the other parts. The inner labia, for example, is highly vascular and extremely sensitive, whereas the outer labia are just not cut from the same cloth at all. 

Knowing where everything is is your first job.

The best teacher of a body you have is your lover, so if you’re not sure, stop and ask for lessons. Each woman is a bit different, since her pelvic nerve bundles are packed in there somewhat higgildy piggildy compared to men’s pelvic nerve bundles, which means what feels divine to Kiara will be different to what feels divine to Rebecca.

The pelvic nerve bundles are one of the reasons why each woman is genuinely built differently to another when it comes to what gets them off. 

The pelvic nerve bundles

Think of an orderly row of street lights standing to attention down your spine and into your pelvis. Those are your pelvic nerve bundles. Now think of a tangle of 100 fairy lights thrown into her pelvis. That’s what her pelvic nerve bundles look like. It’s now your job to find the access points, the sweet spots, to the bundle – from the outside.

Like a challenge? Good. You’ve got one. She might have no idea where these sweet spots are, so you may have a choose-your-own adventure on your hands.

The arrangement of these nerve bundles is why every woman can be so different in terms of what she likes and doesn’t like in terms of touch and sex, and why generally speaking men’s sweet spots are pretty predictable. Some women orgasm intensely from anal sex, while others just have no idea what the big deal is, despite a good effort – thank you nerve bundles.

These nervous arrangements are also why finding the magic set of areas on her body that she may not even know about is so important for her to be satisfied sexually. If you manage to find them, then you have to learn how to touch them, but that’s another story. (We suggest OMGYES for you both for this undertaking.)

You may not know, but the clitoris is more like the Starship Enterprise than a cute little button. It has legs and arms that get erect, just like your penis does, but inside her body. Your job is to give her a ‘lady boner’, or sex won’t work, just like with you.

If you are paying attention, you will see that a turned-on woman’s vagina and vulva are quite different to when she is not turned on or not turned on enough.

What does it feel like for a girl? A flesh comparison

Ever wondered what a penis or clitoris feels like? You have what you need to find out!

Vag basics

Here we take you through the anatomy of the vulva and vagina, with pictures so you get a clearer view of what's going on downstairs.

Understanding female anatomy

Here we take a closer look at what the female reproductive system looks like.

The vulva and vagina through ages and changes

An overview of how your vulva and vagina changes throughout your life, from being a newborn to old age.


Having better sex is everyone’s problem to solve, and while having a real-life lover who teaches you everything you need to know is ideal, it doesn’t always work like that.

Here are some basics to get you started:

Understanding consent

If you are confused about consent, we explain and here's a fun video!

How to get better at talking about what you like sexually

Trying to have better sex without feeling like you are bumming the other person out takes some tact, so here are some tips.

What is an orgasm?

Orgasm in women still hasn't been quite properly defined - some women say they are orgasming, but there is no outward sign.

Things that can go wrong during sex

Find out what can go wrong and how to circumvent it before it happens to you.

A healthy sexual response

This article describes a normal, healthy sexual response from the human body for males and females.

How can I tell if they want to have sex with me?

Figuring out if someone wants to get it on with you shouldn't be so hard. Here's some clues as to how to get the answer you need.

Aunt Vadge: what should I expect from first-time sex?

Get the full run-down on what to do and what to expect from first-time sex.

Learning how to be touched by someone else

Learning how to figure out what you like can be hard, so you just have to practice!


Vaginal (and penile) infections you should know about

Men can and do catch and pass on the bacteria from the women they have sex with, since vaginas are full of bacteria. Usually it’s friendly, but it can very easily not be.

Men can catch:

  • Your regular, run-of-the-mill sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, herpes, etc.)
  • The bacteria that cause women to have fishy-smelling vaginas (bacterial vaginosis), but men get no symptoms usually
  • Yeast infections

Men with foreskins collect more bacteria and pass on more bacteria to female partners, particularly bacteria that form biofilms. These biofilms can develop in the urethra an around the head of the penis, being conveniently deposited into vagina after vagina. You may get a clear STI screening, but this does not mean you haven’t left a trail of bad vag behind you.

If you have a history of women with smelly vaginas or vaginal problems, including urinary tract infections, consider reading Killing BV: Guide for Men. If a lover has bad smells, you need to tell them, so they can go and get tested, and you can both be treated if necessary.

Don’t ever put your penis into a vagina that smells bad without a condom. It’s got bad germs, and you can catch them.

How and why BV is sexually transmitted

BV can be sexually transmitted, and here's the evidence.

Evidence for men carrying Gardnerella vaginalis in the urethra

A couple of older studies look at G. vaginalis in the urethras of men.

Lover got fishy/off bad vag? You have it too.

Guys, you could be spreading the bacteria that cause fishy-smelling vaginas! Here's the proof, and what to do about it.

PrEP is not just for gay men – it’s for everyone, hetero women included

PrEP, the HIV prevention medication, works just as well for women as gay men, but why aren't women taking it? We discuss.

The ultimate guide to bacterial vaginosis (BV)

A clear explanation of why BV occurs and understanding effective treatment options.

Pubic lice (crabs, pediculosis)

Pubic lice - crabs - are reasonably easy to treat using medication or natural treatments, but can be persistent and spread easily.

STI testing

Getting an STI test is a good idea, especially if you (or your partner) likes sex with more than one person.

HPV vaccine – Gardasil and Cervarix – for men and women

The Gardasil vaccine is used in boys and girls up to age 26 to protect against various HPV strains.

Birth Control and Contraception

Reasons to think harder about contraception:

  • Be in charge of your first-born (or second, third or fifth)
  • Don’t spread bad vag around
  • Don’t catch an STI

We’ve written up an important post about how men can start being more in charge of no babies. If you are enjoying many lovers, you need to be careful where your sperm ends up. Don’t leave it to chance or up to someone you don’t really know.

Letters from the South – a tale of birth control woe

A great and funny story by a smart and hilarious lady who decides to take on the Mississippi Health Department.

Understanding and using the female condom

The female condom IS an option! We discuss the pros and cons of this form of barrier protection for sex.

How fertile is precum?

The pull-out method has been used successfully for all of humankind, but why does it work for some people and not for others? We explain.

Abortion (pregnancy termination)

Learn what an abortion is, the different types of pregnancy terminations available, and what the abortion procedure is like.

Using the regular pill as emergency contraception

The oral contraceptive pill can be used as the morning-after pill - they are the same thing, just different doses.

What’s new in abortion rights around the world for 2018

News update on abortion law and social changes ahead for 2018.

How men can help take responsibility for no babies

Be the boss of where your first-born comes from, understand why it's best to err on the side of caution when it comes to who you trust, and what to do with a full condom.

Poland: free electronic prescriptions for emergency contraceptives from WoW

Polish women can now get free emergency contraceptive prescriptions from Women on Waves after a short online consultation.

Understanding Hormones

Know thine enemy and become friends – hormones

Women’s hormones go in a predictable cycle of – if we take vaginal fluids as our cue – bleeding, dry, bit moister, silky smooth egg-white ovulatory phase, bit moist, wetter, bleeding again. The lowest ebb of her cycle is the bleeding and dry bit at the end of her period. The most fun part is while she is ovulating. That is, in a woman who is not on any hormonal birth control and has regular monthly cycles.

We don’t live in a perfect world – many women have irregular cycles, underlying medical concerns, and even more are on a form of hormonal birth control that dulls out everything cyclic. If you don’t live in the perfect world of a healthy menstrual cycle, it would pay to educate yourself on how your lover’s cycle may differ from the norm, which will help you to understand what to expect from her.

Hormones do not exist in a reproductive vacuum – they affect every single part of who we are and how we do things, just like men. If you take testosterone away from a man’s body, he’ll get fat and depressed. This applies, albeit differently, to women’s bodies – women need oestrogen and progesterone for their bodies and minds to work optimally.

Progesterone, for example, is a hefty natural anti-anxiety, but you have to ovulate (e.g. not be on hormonal birth control) for progesterone to be released.

The reason progesterone is only for two weeks of every month is because it’s what holds a fertilised egg in the side of the uterus when a woman gets pregnant, until the little foetus can start its own food supply chain. It is also the base hormone from which adrenaline and cortisol are made.

That’s just an example. Your lover(s) may or may not have much idea about their own hormones, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take an interest. It’s pretty interesting stuff!

Causes of heavy periods

Heavy periods can be caused by (paradoxically) being low in iron, having hormonal imbalances, or even having liver issues.

Hormones and the menstrual cycle

When we are fertile, when we get our periods, and how we feel is all down to hormonal balance in our bodies.

How your gut bacteria affect oestrogen

The relationship between your gut bacteria and oestrogen is crucial for hormonal balance, affecting everything from vaginal health to bone density. This article explores how gut bacteria regulate oestrogen metabolism through the oestrobolome process, impacting your overall health and potentially influencing cancer risk.

How to track your menstrual cycle and identify ovulation

Not sure when or if you ovulate? We run you through charting your cycles and how to check if and when you are ovulating using some very simple tips and tricks. No temperatures!

What are polycystic ovaries?

Polycystic ovaries are ovaries with many cyst-like structures on them, though whether they are true cysts or not will depend on investigations.

How stress causes acne

Learn how and why stress hormones can cause or worsen acne, by learning the hormonal cascades that run our bodies. If you suffer from stress and acne, you need to read this. Get your science goggles on.

Androgen excess in women

Too many androgens or being too sensitive to androgens can cause a whole host of unwanted issues in the biologically female body.

Understanding unopposed oestrogen

Unopposed oestrogen is the state whereby there is not enough progesterone to counteract the oestrogen present. Unopposed oestrogen can be dangerous.

Ask Aunt Vadge

Aunt Vadge: I did the antibiotics, but I’ve still got urinary tract symptoms – help!

A 22-year-old Brit is still suffering UTI symptoms after doing the antibiotic treatment. Why, and what should she do now?

Aunt Vadge: is this a fingering wound or my period?

She was fingered for the first time, and it bled and started to heal, but then she started bleeding again. Is it her period or is something wrong?

Aunt Vadge: can you catch thrush from oral?

Is it possible to transfer yeasts from one person's mouth to another person's vagina? We discuss how this might occur and if it's really possible.

Aunt Vadge: is discharge after sex normal?

A 19-year-old is wondering if more vaginal fluids after sex is normal, which it is! There is plenty of juiciness floating around during sex.

Aunt Vadge: shaving makes oral sex uncomfortable for my boyfriend. Should I wax?

A girl is scared to get a wax in case it mean she is unfeminist. What should she do?

Aunt Vadge: yellow sores with red edges – did I cut myself shaving?

She has maybe cut herself shaving - or is it something else?

Aunt Vadge: vagina feels funny during fingering

When she fingers herself, or her boyfriend fingers her, sometimes her vagina feel strange and hurts. We discuss some options as to what it could be.

Aunt Vadge: how do I bring up sex with my boyfriend (and what about my vagina’s taste?)

A 15-year-old is wondering how she can broach the sex subject with her boyfriend, and is curious about her vagina's sour taste.

Aunt Vadge: two fingers or one?

Should your first fingering be done with two fingers or one? Find out.

Aunt Vadge: clumpy yellow discharge, ear infections and antibiotics – what’s up?

Clumpy discharge, bleeding, pain - is it an STI or a lumpy miscarriage? We discuss.

Aunt Vadge: I can’t find my vagina!

Discover how to locate your vaginal opening with ease: a guide for first-time tampon users navigating anatomy and hymen concerns.

Aunt Vadge: labia bumps and swollen clit with cuts

A 14-year-old has bumps around her vulva and her clitoris is swollen with cuts on it. Aunt Vadge explains the next best step.