Milk kefir oral and penile treatment (Killing BV)

The milk kefir treatment has been around since the first incarnation of Killing BV, and can be incredibly effective by itself. It is not an irritant to penises or vaginas.

Benefits of the milk kefir treatment

  • Cheap
  • Easy to make at home
  • Repeat/longer treatments and experiments easy to apply
  • Can be used with other treatment regimes as the recolonisation phase
  • Combine with oral biofilm enzymes for greater impact

How to use milk kefir on the penis

  • Seven days if you are using the milk kefir treatment by itself
  • Extend to 14 days if you want to
  • Repeat treatments if necessary/desired
  • Use as directed in other treatment schedules

Ingredients list

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh milk kefir grains in a glass jar (not dried)
  • Sieve (preferably nylon) or a milk kefir grain pouch (or a doily or piece of lace you can tie grains up in that allows milk in and out, but not the grains)
  • Cow’s milk (or another mammal milk)

What is milk kefir, you ask?

Kefir is, put simply, a bunch of good germs that live on milk proteins that look like a few pieces of soggy popcorn. Milk kefir is naturally fermented in cow’s milk.

Due to the nature of fermentation, there are more than 25 varieties of probiotic bacteria and yeasts making up the yoghurty result. This makes milk kefir about 22 times more effective than any probiotic tablet on the market, however, it does not contain vagina-specific probiotic bacteria.

This doesn’t matter for our purposes – you just need to overrun the pathogens and drive them out of town.

How to choose your milk kefir grains

Search online for ‘one tablespoon of fresh milk kefir grains’, and expect to pay about US$10 for your tablespoon of fresh grains. Check eBay or social media fermentation groups.

You could also find someone in your area giving them away for free (they multiply).

  • Fresh only – not dried – this is very important!
  • You must ferment your milk kefir at home – do not buy store-bought milk kefir – very important!

There are two varieties of kefir: milk kefir and water kefir. You want milk kefir grains because lactobacilli – the microbes in milk kefir and in the vagina – eat lactose, and lactose is in mammal milk.

What to do if you cannot use mammal milk to ferment your milk kefir (lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy, vegan)

If you are lactose intolerant, you may be able to tolerate milk kefir because it is almost lactose-free (due to the microbes feeding on the lactose). You could also try some lactase enzymes, since when you are eating the milk kefir, you no longer need the lactose to feed the microbes. This will mop up any excess lactose to avoid digestive discomfort.

If you are allergic to milk, absolutely cannot tolerate milk in any form or are a strict vegan, you can use soy or coconut milk.

Choosing milk for kefir

Try to avoid milk that has been ultra-pasteurised as it degrades the proteins in the milk, making it more difficult for the kefir to ferment the lactose. But, any mammal milk will do, since all mammals have high levels of lactose in their milk (including human breast milk).


You may have issues finding non-ultra-pasteurised milk since almost all your milk is ultra-pasteurised to increase its shelf life. This is ok if you have to use this – don’t spend a lot of money on milk unless you really can afford to. One of the best parts of this treatment is that it’s cheap!

Once you have the kefir in your hot little hand, see instructions on how to grow and take care of your milk kefir, until you have your first successful batch ready to use.

Instructions for using the 7-day milk kefir treatment

The single treatment dose for the milk kefir is about 5-20ml, but the more the merrier, without wasting it. Use as much as you need to for your penis and scrotum to be covered with milk kefir.

You need to rub the milk kefir into every crevice, nook and cranny because these areas are where the bugs like to hide. Don’t forget the shaft and scrotum, as this is where microflora changes have been detected too.

How you go about your penis rub is up to you, so long as you spend a couple of minutes rubbing the milk kefir in. You can then rinse it off with warm water, or if you want to and it doesn’t not cause discomfort or irritation, you can leave it on.

Rinsing it off may work in the morning before you start your day, but then you can leave it on overnight. If you experience irritation with this treatment, even once you’ve washed it off, reduce the dose or discontinue use.

The oral milk kefir treatment

After your penile treatments have been removed for use later, drink the rest of the milk kefir. You may find you have ‘bubble guts’ (read: farts) for a few days after starting this regime, but this is normal as the bad microbes in your intestines get sent to the slaughterhouse. Your digestive tract may need to adjust.

Take the milk kefir orally every day for seven days unless otherwise directed. You can keep taking the milk kefir for several months, particularly if the treatment fails and you need to repeat it.

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