Fibre-containing foods list (searchable)

Jars of prebiotic fibre with happy bacteria in them

Fibre is a critical component of a healthy diet, with a multitude of benefits, including improving digestion, weight management, and chronic disease prevention, while playing a critical role in a healthy gut microbiome.

Additionally, fibre can also help regulate hormones by removing hormones via the digestive tract​1​. Additionally, those who have inadequate fibre intake are at greater risk of pelvic organ prolapse​2​.

Big jobs for a tiny fibre!

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate found in plant-based foods that the human digestive tract cannot fully digest. Other carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, whereas fibre passes through the digestive system relatively intact, offering a range of health benefits.

Recommended daily fibre intake

Daily fibre requirements depend on your body size – smaller people need less than larger people. An average adult woman, for example, needs around 26 grams of fibre per day, while an average adult man needs around 38 grams​3​.

FoodServingSoluble Fiber (g)Insoluble Fiber (g)Total Fiber (g)
Adzuki Beans1 cup cooked17
Lentils, Red Lentils1 cup cooked15.6
Mung Beans1 cup cooked15.4
Cannellini Beans1 cup cooked12.4
Great Northern Beans1 cup cooked12.4
Wheat bran½ cup11.3112.3
Beans, White Beans1 cup cooked11
Black-eyed Peas1 cup cooked11
Baked Beans1 cup10.4
Acorn Squash1 cup cooked9
Fava Beans1 cup cooked9
Edamame1 cup cooked8
Psyllium seeds2 tbsp.7.10.98
Spelt1 cup cooked7.6
Pinto beans, cooked½ cup5.51.97.4
Kale, cooked1 cup2.15.17.2
Teff1 cup cooked7.1
Black beans, cooked½ cup3.83.16.9
Avocado1/2 medium6.7
Butternut Squash1 cup cooked6.6
Lentils, cooked½ cup2.83.86.6
Artichoke, cooked1 medium4.71.86.5
Sorghum1 cup cooked6.3
Wholegrain pasta1 cup4.12.26.3
Whole Wheat Spaghetti1 cup cooked6
Kidney beans, cooked½ cup2.92.95.8
Apple with skin1 medium4.21.55.7
Chia Seeds1 tbsp5.5
Collard Greens1 cup cooked5.3
Figs, dried3 medium32.35.3
Amaranth1 cup cooked5.2
Bran Flakes Cereal3/4 cup5
Farro1 cup cooked5
Turnip Greens1 cup cooked5
Soybeans (edamame)½ cup2.72.24.9
Sweet potato, peeled1 medium2.72.24.9
Flaxseeds2 tbsp.
Potato with skin1 medium2.42.44.8
Buckwheat1 cup cooked4.5
Green peas, cooked½ cup3.21.24.4
Strawberries1 cup1.82.64.4
Lima beans, cooked½ cup2.12.24.3
Spinach1 cup cooked4.3
Almonds, raw1 ounce0.73.54.2
Barley, cooked½ cup3.30.94.2
Quinoa, cooked½ cup1.72.54.2
Garbanzo beans, cooked½ cup1.22.84
Oat bran, cooked¾ cup2.21.84
Oatmeal, cooked1 cup2.41.64
Pear1 medium0.83.24
Wheat germ3 tbsp.
Beets1 cup cooked3.8
Blackberries½ cup3.10.73.8
Swiss Chard1 cup cooked3.7
Blueberries1 cup3.6
Brussel Sprouts, cooked1 cup1.71.93.6
Popcorn, air-popped3 cups3.20.43.6
Apricots, dried4 medium1.81.73.5
Split peas, cooked½ cup1.12.43.5
Cauliflower1 cup cooked3.4
Orange1 medium2.11.33.4
Sesame seeds¼ cup0.72.63.3
Kiwi1 large2.40.83.2
Raspberries½ cup0.92.33.2
Grapefruit½ of large2.40.73.1
Oranges1 medium3.1
Prunes4 medium1.31.83.1
Walnuts1 ounce0.62.53.1
Pistachios1 oz3
Pumpkin1 cup cooked3
Rice, Wild1 cup cooked3
Sunflower seeds¼ cup1.11.93
Wholegrain bread1 slice2.80.12.9
Asparagus, cooked½ cup1.71.12.8
Banana1 medium2.10.72.8
Broccoli, raw½ cup1.31.42.7
Coconut1 oz2.7
Hazelnuts1 oz2.7
Pecans1 oz2.7
Rye bread1 slice1.90.82.7
Carrot, raw1 medium1.11.52.6
Mango1 cup sliced2.6
Zucchini, cooked½ cup1.41.22.6
Papaya1 cup cubes2.5
Squash, summer, cooked½ cup1.31.22.5
Whole Grain Cornmeal1 cup cooked2.4
Millet1 cup cooked2.3
Peanuts, dry roasted1 ounce1.11.22.3
Pineapple1 cup chunks2.3
Plums2 medium1.212.2
Brazil Nuts1 oz2.1
Green beans, cooked½ cup0.81.22
Whole wheat bread1 slice1.60.31.9
Poppy Seeds1 tbsp1.8
Pumpernickel bread1 slice1.51.21.7
Pumpkin Seeds1 oz1.7
Tahini1 tbsp1.6
Brown rice, cooked½ cup1.30.11.4
Cantaloupe1 cup cubes1.4
Chestnuts1 oz1.4
Tomato with skin1 medium0.311.3
Cashews1 oz0.9
Hemp Seeds1 tbsp0.9
Watermelon1 cup cubes0.6

Tips on increasing fibre intake

  • It’s important to stay hydrated when increasing fibre intake, to keep stools soft and easy to pass.
  • A fibre supplement can be helpful to some people when adequate intake is difficult.
  • When increasing fibre intake, don’t rush to do it all at once – work up to optimal intake gradually, so your microbiome and digestive system can adjust.
  • Add oatmeal, chia seeds, raspberries or blueberries to breakfast cereals or smoothies.
  • Add a handful of nuts and seeds to any meal, savoury or sweet, as you like.
  • Use whole grains and wholegrain flour.
  • Add rinsed canned beans to any dish that suits, such as soups or casseroles, or a handful into salads.
  • Learn how to cook grains (and seeds) well by getting tips online for perfect outcomes every time, e.g. brown rice, wild rice, quinoa.

Use this table to work out how much of each type of food you need to meet your daily fibre needs.

There are two main types of dietary fibre, soluble and insoluble, with each playing an important role.

Soluble fibre

Soluble fibre dissolves in water – hence ‘soluble’ – and forms a gel-like substance. Soluble fibre is found in abundance in foods like oats, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and some fruits and vegetables. The gel formed by soluble fibre slows down digestion, which has several beneficial effects.

  • Soluble fibre helps regulate blood sugar by slowing the uptake of sugars from the digestive tract, due to the slowing down of the overall digestive process.
  • Soluble fibre binds to certain types of cholesterol in the digestive tract, where it is then excreted.
  • Importantly, soluble fibre acts as a prebiotic – food – that provides an energy source for healthy gut bacteria.

Insoluble fibre

Insoluble fibre can’t dissolve in water – it is insoluble. Instead, it adds bulk to stool and helps food pass more quickly through the digestive tract. Good sources of insoluble fibre include whole grains, wheat bran, and fruit and vegetable skins.

Insoluble fibre acts like a ‘broom’ to clean out the intestines, preventing constipation and supporting regular, healthy bowel movements. Insoluble fibre is like hay and mud, used to bulk up stools and help them out of the body, taking all the junk with it and keeping the intestinal walls clear.

Both soluble and insoluble fibre are important for overall health and the prevention of some chronic diseases.


  1. 1.
    Gaskins AJ, Mumford SL, Zhang C, et al. Effect of daily fiber intake on reproductive function: the BioCycle Study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Published online October 2009:1061-1069. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27990
  2. 2.
    Arya LA, Novi JM, Shaunik A, Morgan MA, Bradley CS. Pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, and dietary fiber intake in women: A case-control study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Published online May 2005:1687-1691. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2004.11.032
  3. 3.
    Dahl WJ, Stewart ML. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Health Implications of Dietary Fiber. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published online November 2015:1861-1870. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2015.09.003

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