Vulvar endometriomas

A vulvar endometrioma is a rare, painful cyst that occurs as a result of endometrium implanting in the vulva or vagina as in endometriosis.

This type of endometriosis that appears in or on the vagina or vulva results in a cyst – endometrioma – most often at the same spot where a previous wound was – episiotomy, tears. The cause is unknown.

Symptoms of vulvar endometrioma

  • Pain
  • Painful sex (dyspareunia)
  • Worse pain during periods
  • Cysts grow during periods
  • Tender cysts
  • Cysts may appear blue
  • May rupture, causing severe pain

Treatments for vulvar endometrioma

Treatment involves surgical excision of the cysts, which may be done in a doctor’s office or operating theatre. The tissue will be tested to ensure it is not a vulvar or vaginal melanoma, which can occur in the vulva and vagina.

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