Review: Jarro-Dophilus Women probiotic

A review of Jarrow's range of L. crispatus-containing probiotics for vaginal health.

Vaginal mullerian cysts

Mullerian cysts are caused either by an anatomical hiccup or appear after trauma to the vagina, such as might occur during childbirth. Mullerian cysts are benign, but can range in size from very small to extremely large and uncomfortable.

Aunt Vadge: Why am I getting tears with my new boyfriend, but not my old one?

A woman is having problems with dryness and pain during sex.

Aunt Vadge: my boyfriend fingered me and went down on me and it hurt – why?

Her boyfriend has gone too hard on her vagina and now it's really sore.

Aunt Vadge: Why did I get fever and upset tummy after my boyfriend fingered me?

Her boyfriend had blood on his fingers after fingering, but then she got a fever and cramps and bad digestion. Are they connected?

Aunt Vadge: a cut at the join of my labia and clitoris hasn’t healed after three weeks

A woman is having issues with a vulvar tear that has left her labia a bit flappy.

Aunt Vadge: Am I cutting myself shaving or is a yeast infection?

Is it shaving cuts, herpes or a yeast infection?

Aunt Vadge: Are my cuts really from another yeast infection?

She's got what seems to be yeast-related cuts on her vulva, but is that really what's going on? We discuss.

Aunt Vadge: A little cucumber-shaped piece of tissue two inches inside my vagina

She has a small piece of flesh inside her vagina, two inches in, which she isn't sure about. What could it be?

Aunt Vadge: I bled after fingering, but now there’s a lump – what is it?

She was fingered, and after it bled for a couple of days, but now there is a lump. Why?

Aunt Vadge: I jumped off a 30-foot bridge and now have an inch-long tear

A 19-year-old has jumped off a massive bridge, causing a tear on her vulva an inch long.

Scleroderma and your sex life

Scleroderma can present some challenges to women when it comes to sex and enjoying your vagina, with not much research into this aspect of a scleroderma diagnosis.

Ovarian cancer

There are two main types of ovarian cancers, with survival rates variable depending largely on what stage the cancer is discovered at.

Uterine cancers (sarcoma)

A uterine sarcoma is a highly malignant type of cancer that forms in the uterus, making up 5% of uterine cancers.

Candida (yeast) sensitivity or allergy in the vulva or vagina

A yeast allergy can manifest in the vagina and vulva causing itching and burning, but be totally missed by your doctor since tests may be negative.

Squamous cell vulvar cancer

Squamous cell vulvar cancers are becoming less lethal as treatments improve.

Vulvar cancers

Vulvar cancers are reasonably rare for the most part, but usually get diagnosed late, making vulvar cancer more deadly than it ought to be. Vulva cancer may be innocuous in its symptoms, which makes regular pelvic exams more important than ever, especially as we age.

Vulvar or vaginal melanoma

Vulvar and vaginal melanoma is a rare form of gynaecological cancer affecting the melanin-producing cells under our skin, the melanocytes. Melanomas tend to be pigmented spots on the skin that look unusual, but we can easily miss them on our vulva or vagina.

Pemphigus vulgaris

Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune condition that affects the mucous membranes, including the vagina and vulva. If left untreated, pemphigus vulgaris can be fatal.

Obstructed uterine horn

An obstructed uterine horn is an anatomical abnormality whereby the uterus is not connected properly with the fallopian tubes.