Aunt Vadge: my vagina tastes and smells bad, but I don’t have an infection

She has a bad diet and a bad vag. We discuss her options.

Aunt Vadge: why is she wet, but then we stop, and it’s then dry?

A guy wants to know what's happening when his girlfriend's vagina goes dry during foreplay.

Aunt Vadge: Pain with sex and peeing after a UTI

After a severe UTI, she has pain when she pees and has sex - what's wrong and how can she fix it?

Aunt Vadge: my BV won’t go away

A woman has recurrent BV and isn't sure what to do.

Aunt Vadge: If I use two fingers or a carrot, it hurts – do I still have my hymen?

She feels pain with two fingers or a carrot, but isn't sure why. Is it her hymen, or something else?

Aunt Vadge: my vagina is now drying up during stimulation

She has suddenly become less juicy than she once was - what's happening?

Aunt Vadge: are there women who don’t like vaginal sex?

A woman is wondering if it's possible to just not enjoy vaginal sex, but love oral and fingering. The answer is yes!

Legal: NuvaRing lawsuit for no warnings about dangers of blood clots

A 2014 lawsuit against the makers of Nuvaring alleged users were not warned adequately of the risks.

Aunt Vadge: can I get an STD from kissing?

It's pretty hard to get an STD from kissing alone.

Aunt Vadge: I douched with apple cider vinegar, and now I see a cut

A 48-year-old woman is suffering an itchy vaginal opening and a mysterious cut. What's wrong?

Aunt Vadge: can I catch an STD from a guy rubbing his penis on my vagina?

Passing on infections is easy, and yes, you can catch an STD from rubbing genitals. Lots of them, actually.

Aunt Vadge: I got touched through my clothes and now it’s bleeding and sore

Her boyfriend stimulated her urethra through her clothes, and now she's bleeding and it stings to pee.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Aunt Vadge: I masturbated and bled – have I hurt myself?

A 15-year-old hurt herself masturbating when she wasn't wet enough, and she tore. What should she do?

Aunt Vadge: I’m scared sex stuff is going to hurt

She's really scared that putting anything in her vagina is going to hurt her. Her and her boyfriend are just starting out sexually.

Aunt Vadge: pinching feeling when I try to insert a tampon

A 25-year-old has a pinching feeling when inserting tampons. What is it?

Aunt Vadge: I’ve got a bad smell coming from my vagina

A 16-year-old has a bad smell coming from her vagina, a smell so strong it comes out through her trousers.

Aunt Vadge: sex wound or irregular period?

Is she bleeding from a sex wound or from irregular periods? We talk over her situation and see what the most likely outcome of her vagina problem is.

Aunt Vadge: if my hymen is gone, does that mean I’m not a virgin anymore?

She's been fingered a few times by her boyfriend, but does that mean she's not a virgin anymore?