Skins: condoms made from sheep intestine
So far hands-down the most-loved condoms ever made.
Latex-free condoms
What's available, how much and where from.
Understanding and using the female condom
The female condom IS an option! We discuss the pros and cons of this form of barrier protection for sex.
Vulvovaginal infections
Vaginal infections come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the microbes involved. Microbes range from yeasts to parasites to bacteria, some of which are easy to get rid of, some you want to keep, and others you just have to live with.
Periods can give you plenty of grief across your life, with period pains, blood going everywhere, ruined underwear, money spent on products, and the mood swings. Learn more so you can manage your periods better.
Having sex with a tampon in, and tricks for sneakily taking it out
Tampon sex has its pros and cons.
The facts about toxins in tampons
Tampons are thought to be pretty safe to use.
Tampons being used to find sewerage in rivers
Tampons are being used as glowing beacons of pollution.
Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern
Dioxins are one of the 'dirty dozen' worst toxic pollutants.
Tampon absorbency ratings
What tampon absorbency ratings mean.
The invention of tampons
A short history of tampons.
We explain everything you could possibly want to know about tampons - how to use them, how not to use them, what size you need, where to throw them after you use them, and what sorts to avoid.
How to treat a male sexual partner for BV
Men having sex with women with BV usually have G. vaginalis infection. Here's what to do.
How and why BV is sexually transmitted
BV can be sexually transmitted, and here's the evidence.
My Vagina’s repository
Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more
Aunt Vadge: fleshy bits come out of me after being fingered
She has fleshy bits coming out of her after being fingered by her boyfriend. Why?
Aunt Vadge: will this cut on my clitoris ever heal?
She has ended up with a cut near her clitoris from sex play. Will it ever heal?
Bartholin glands
Your Bartholin's glands are responsible for making you wet when you are turned on, producing moisture/fluid that lubricates the outside of your vulva.
Bartholin gland cysts and abcesses
What to do with the cysts, blockages and abscesses in the tiny ducts that make you wet.
Skene’s gland cancer (female prostate gland cancer)
The female prostate (Skene's gland) can become cancerous, much like the male prostate, but it's much rarer.