Aunt Vadge: I have bloating after dry humping – am I pregnant?

Hi Aunt Vadge,

My partner and I had dry humping with undies on (both of us). He had a discharge while doing this and stopped immediately.

After that, he washed it and then again after 45 minutes, we had dry humping. I’m facing bloating just after a few hours of dry humping, and vaginal irritation.

My question is: can I get pregnant even though it happened 6 days before my period due date i.e. my menstruation date is approaching?

Dry Humper

Age 24

Dear Dry Humper,

Feeling bloated and experiencing vaginal irritation are not typically signs of pregnancy, especially within a few hours of a sexual encounter. Bloating can be attributed to many things, including something you ate or even the physical activity you engaged in.

Regarding pregnancy risk from dry humping with underwear on, pregnancy occurring in this scenario would be extremely unlikely.

Sperm, to cause pregnancy, typically need to be deposited directly into the vagina or onto the vaginal opening, and they need to be in sufficient quantity to traverse the vaginal canal to fertilize an egg. This would be a highly improbable outcome, given the barriers of clothing and the absence of ejaculation directly near the vaginal opening.

Learn when you can and can’t get pregnant here.

Additionally, if this occurred 6 days before your expected period, you were likely past your fertile window if you have a regular menstrual cycle.

Ovulation usually happens about 12-16 days before the start of your next period, and this is when you’re most fertile. Still, cycle lengths and ovulation times can vary, and some people have unpredictable cycles.

The vaginal irritation you’re experiencing could be the result of friction from the dry humping, which can cause a bit of discomfort. It’s important to keep an eye on that and ensure proper hygiene to avoid any infections. If the irritation persists or you have other symptoms, consider speaking with a healthcare provider.

As with any sexual activity, it’s essential to consider all possible outcomes and use protection if there’s any risk of pregnancy or STIs. If you have concerns about pregnancy, you could take a home pregnancy test after the date your period is due for peace of mind. Home pregnancy tests are designed to be accurate from the first day of a missed period.

Based on what you’ve described, pregnancy would be highly unlikely from the activity you engaged in. However, if you’re sexually active or planning to become so and are worried about pregnancy, discussing reliable contraceptive options with a healthcare provider can help provide peace of mind for the future.

Your bloating was likely caused by something you ate, while the vaginal irritation may be caused by the friction of your dry humping. It’ll go away, just ease up on the dry humping for a few days!

With care,
Aunt Vadge


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