Aunt Vadge: my vagina and bottom have been itchy for years
A 37-year-old has had an itchy vagina and anal area for many years and isn't sure why it's happening or what she should do about it.
Aunt Vadge: I’m breastfeeding and my BV won’t go away
A 24-year-old first-time mum is struggling with postpartum BV that won't go away. What should she do?
Searchable polyphenol-containing foods list
A searchable comprehensive list of foods that contain polyphenols.
Aunt Vadge: Do I need to tell my partner?
She wants to know if revealing her history of BV is something she should do in her new relationship.
Aunt Vadge: which BV treatment is right for me?
A 22-year-old has had BV for five periods in a row and isn't sure which BV treatment is best. What should she do?
Killing BV – the definitive guide
Here are two of the most important unique guides ever written about understanding and treating bacterial vaginosis in vaginas and penises.
Aunt Vadge’s Super Tech Support – Ask Your Questions!
Please complete this form so your dedicated vulvovaginal specialist practitioner can help you.
Aunt Vadge: sex slip has made me bleed – a lot
Her and her boy were fooling around and there's been a slip of the penis and she's ended up bleeding. What should she do?
BV + partners study – join a study today! (AUSTRALIA ONLY) 2023
A study is being run in Australia on how partners are involved in bacterial vaginosis. Take part!
Aunt Vadge: when I finger myself, it burns
A 28-year-old is fingering herself, but it's started to burn, where it didn't before. What is going wrong?
Lochia – post-birth vaginal discharge
Lochia is the natural post-birth vaginal discharge, comprising mucous, blood, and uterine tissue. It progresses through three stages over 6-8 weeks, starting heavy and gradually becoming lighter. While lochia is a normal part of postpartum recovery, any odour changes should prompt a visit to a healthcare provider to rule out
How to succeed on a low histamine diet
Important information on doing the low histamine diet under practitioner guidance.
Histamine-containing foods list (searchable)
A searchable list of common foods and their histamine impacts: high, low or releasing.
My Vagina Patient Guide – Histamines
Understand how to do the low histamine diet, and what to take alongside it.
My Vagina Patient Guide – Oxalates
My Vagina patient guide to lowering intake of oxalates and supplements to take alongside.
How to get hormone and blood testing
Learn how to get hormone testing on the right day for the most useful results, and what to do with the results.
Aunt Vadge: I did the antibiotics, but I’ve still got urinary tract symptoms – help!
A 22-year-old Brit is still suffering UTI symptoms after doing the antibiotic treatment. Why, and what should she do now?
Aunt Vadge: When I sit down, my vagina gets hot – why?
When she sits down for long periods of time, her crotch gets firey hot - why does this happen?
Phytoestrogens food list (searchable)
Discover how to increase your phytoestrogen intake with our comprehensive list of foods.